Daniel Dinsmore
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Cited by
Focusing the conceptual lens on metacognition, self-regulation, and self-regulated learning
DL Dinsmore, PA Alexander, SM Loughlin
Educational psychology review 20, 391-409, 2008
Reading into the future: Competence for the 21st century
PA Alexander, ...
Educational psychologist 47 (4), 259-280, 2012
A critical discussion of deep and surface processing: What it means, how it is measured, the role of context, and model specification
DL Dinsmore, PA Alexander
Educational psychology review 24, 499-567, 2012
What are confidence judgments made of? Students' explanations for their confidence ratings and what that means for calibration
DL Dinsmore, MM Parkinson
Learning and Instruction 24, 4-14, 2013
Self-regulated learning in academic domains: University of Maryland
PA Alexander, DL Dinsmore, MM Parkinson, FI Winters
Handbook of self-regulation of learning and performance, 407-421, 2011
A multidimensional investigation of deep-level and surface-level processing
DL Dinsmore, PA Alexander
The Journal of experimental education 84 (2), 213-244, 2016
Higher order thinking and knowledge
P Alexander, D Dinsmore, E Fox, E Peterson, S Loughlin, L Maggioni, ...
Assessment of higher order thinking skills, 47-88, 2011
The Promise and Pitfalls of Self-report: Development, research design and analysis issues, and multiple methods
LK Fryer, DL Dinsmore
Frontline Learning Research, 2020
Toward a dynamic, multidimensional research framework for strategic processing
DL Dinsmore
Educational Psychology Review 29 (2), 235-268, 2017
Examining the ontological and epistemic assumptions of research on metacognition, self-regulation and self-regulated learning
DL Dinsmore
Educational Psychology 37 (9), 1125-1153, 2017
The relation between cognitive and metacognitive strategic processing during a science simulation
DL Dinsmore, BP Zoellner
British Journal of Educational Psychology 88 (1), 95-117, 2018
Uncovering perceptions of the induction and mentoring experience: Developing a measure that works
FJ Langdon, PA Alexander, DL Dinsmore, A Ryde
Teacher development 16 (3), 399-414, 2012
Student participation in assessment: Does it influence self-regulation?
DL Dinsmore, HE Wilson
Handbook of human and social conditions in assessment, 145-168, 2016
The impact of new learning environments in an engineering design course
DL Dinsmore, PA Alexander, SM Loughlin
Instructional Science 36, 375-393, 2008
Strategic processing in education
DL Dinsmore
Routledge, 2017
Reading competence, interest, and reading goals in three gifted young adolescent readers
E Fox, DL Dinsmore, PA Alexander
High Ability Studies 21 (2), 165-178, 2010
The effects of persuasive and expository text on metacognitive monitoring and control
DL Dinsmore, SM Loughlin, MM Parkinson, PA Alexander
Learning and Individual Differences 38, 54-60, 2015
The role of initial learning, problem features, prior knowledge, and pattern recognition on transfer success
DL Dinsmore, P Baggetta, S Doyle, SM Loughlin
The Journal of Experimental Education 82 (1), 121-141, 2014
Levels of strategies and strategic processing
DL Dinsmore, C Hattan
Handbook of strategies and strategic processing, 29-46, 2020
Multiple aspects of high school students’ strategic processing on reading outcomes: The role of quantity, quality, and conjunctive strategy use
MM Parkinson, DL Dinsmore
British Journal of Educational Psychology 88 (1), 42-62, 2018
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Articles 1–20