Articles with public access mandates - Janet E AndersonLearn more
Available somewhere: 40
Defining the boundaries and operational concepts of resilience in the resilience in healthcare research program
S Wiig, K Aase, S Billett, C Canfield, O Røise, O Njå, V Guise, ...
BMC health services research 20, 1-9, 2020
Mandates: Research Council of Norway
Defining adaptive capacity in healthcare: A new framework for researching resilient performance
JE Anderson, AJ Ross, C Macrae, S Wiig
Applied Ergonomics 87, 103111, 2020
Mandates: Research Council of Norway
One size fits all? Mixed methods evaluation of the impact of 100% single-room accommodation on staff and patient experience, safety and costs
J Maben, P Griffiths, C Penfold, M Simon, JE Anderson, G Robert, E Pizzo, ...
BMJ Qual Saf 25 (4), 241-256, 2016
Mandates: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, National Institute …
The impact of COVID-19 on the wellbeing of the UK nursing and midwifery workforce during the first pandemic wave: a longitudinal survey study
K Couper, T Murrells, J Sanders, JE Anderson, H Blake, D Kelly, B Kent, ...
International journal of nursing studies 127, 104155, 2022
Mandates: National Institute for Health Research, UK
Patient safety risks associated with telecare: a systematic review and narrative synthesis of the literature
V Guise, J Anderson, S Wiig
BMC health services research 14, 1-15, 2014
Mandates: Research Council of Norway
Assessing the validity of prospective hazard analysis methods: a comparison of two techniques
HWW Potts, JE Anderson, L Colligan, P Leach, S Davis, J Berman
BMC health services research 14, 1-10, 2014
Mandates: UK Medical Research Council, National Institute for Health Research, UK
Does the process map influence the outcome of quality improvement work? A comparison of a sequential flow diagram and a hierarchical task analysis diagram
L Colligan, JE Anderson, HWW Potts, J Berman
BMC health services research 10, 1-9, 2010
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
How do hospital boards govern for quality improvement? A mixed methods study of 15 organisations in England
L Jones, L Pomeroy, G Robert, S Burnett, JE Anderson, NJ Fulop
BMJ Qual Saf 26 (12), 978-986, 2017
Mandates: National Institute for Health Research, UK
What is nursing work? A meta-narrative review and integrated framework
J Jackson, JE Anderson, J Maben
International journal of nursing studies 122, 103944, 2021
Mandates: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Evaluating a major innovation in hospital design: workforce implications and impact on patient and staff experiences of all single room hospital accommodation
J Maben, P Griffiths, C Penfold, M Simon, E Pizzo, J Anderson, G Robert, ...
NIHR Journals Library, 2015
Mandates: National Institute for Health Research, UK
Learning from patient safety incidents in incident review meetings: Organisational factors and indicators of analytic process effectiveness
JE Anderson, N Kodate
Safety Science 80, 105-114, 2015
Mandates: National Institute for Health Research, UK
Using institutional theory to analyse hospital responses to external demands for finance and quality in five European countries
S Burnett, P Mendel, F Nunes, S Wiig, H van den Bovenkamp, A Karltun, ...
Journal of health services research & policy 21 (2), 109-117, 2016
Mandates: National Institute for Health Research, UK
Nursing work and sensory experiences of hospital design: A before and after qualitative study following a move to all-single room inpatient accommodation
S Donetto, C Penfold, J Anderson, G Robert, J Maben
Health & Place 46, 121-129, 2017
Mandates: National Institute for Health Research, UK
Development of the Human Factors Skills for Healthcare Instrument: a valid and reliable tool for assessing interprofessional learning across healthcare practice settings
GB Reedy, M Lavelle, T Simpson, JE Anderson
BMJ simulation & technology enhanced learning 3 (4), 135, 2017
Mandates: National Institute for Health Research, UK
Protocol: Resilience in Healthcare (RiH): a longitudinal research programme protocol
K Aase, V Guise, S Billett, SJM Sollid, O Njå, O Røise, T Manser, ...
BMJ open 10 (10), 2020
Mandates: Research Council of Norway
Priorities and opportunities for palliative and end of life care in United Kingdom health policies: a national documentary analysis
KE Sleeman, A Timms, J Gillam, JE Anderson, R Harding, EL Sampson, ...
BMC Palliative Care 20, 1-10, 2021
Mandates: UK Economic and Social Research Council, National Institute for Health …
Knowledge management infrastructure to support quality improvement: A qualitative study of maternity services in four European hospitals
A Karltun, JM Sanne, K Aase, JE Anderson, A Fernandes, NJ Fulop, ...
Health Policy 124 (2), 205-215, 2020
Mandates: National Institute for Health Research, UK
Protocol: Multilevel influences on resilient healthcare in six countries: an international comparative study protocol
JE Anderson, K Aase, R Bal, M Bourrier, J Braithwaite, K Nakajima, S Wiig, ...
BMJ open 10 (12), 2020
Mandates: Research Council of Norway
Exploring the role of leaders in enabling adaptive capacity in hospital teams–a multiple case study
B Fagerdal, HB Lyng, V Guise, JE Anderson, PL Thornam, S Wiig
BMC Health Services Research 22 (1), 908, 2022
Mandates: Research Council of Norway
Empowering Better End-of-Life Dementia Care (EMBED-Care): A mixed methods protocol to achieve integrated person-centred care across settings
EL Sampson, JE Anderson, B Candy, N Davies, C Ellis-Smith, A Gola, ...
Mandates: Alzheimers's UK, UK Economic and Social Research Council, UK Medical …
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