Allison J. Tracy
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Nonsuicidal self-injury among" privileged" youths: longitudinal and cross-sectional approaches to developmental process.
TM Yates, AJ Tracy, SS Luthar
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 76 (1), 52, 2008
Looking good, sounding good: Femininity ideology and adolescent girls' mental health
DL Tolman, EA Impett, AJ Tracy, A Michael
Psychology of Women Quarterly 30 (1), 85-95, 2006
Mentoring college‐age women: A relational approach
B Liang, AJ Tracy, CA Taylor, LM Williams
American journal of community psychology 30 (2), 271-288, 2002
The relational health indices: A study of women’s relationships
B Liang, A Tracy, CA Taylor, LM Williams, JV Jordan, JB Miller
Psychology of Women Quarterly 26 (1), 25-35, 2002
Religiousness, spiritual seeking, and personality: Findings from a longitudinal study
P Wink, L Ciciolla, M Dillon, A Tracy
Journal of personality 75 (5), 1051-1070, 2007
Implementation of the Olweus bullying prevention program in American schools
SP Limber, M Nation, AJ Tracy, GB Melton, V Flerx
Bullying in North American Schools, 351-362, 2010
An RCT of dating matters: Effects on teen dating violence and relationship behaviors
PH Niolon, AM Vivolo-Kantor, AJ Tracy, NE Latzman, TD Little, S DeGue, ...
American journal of preventive medicine 57 (1), 13-23, 2019
Gender and race patterns in the pathways from sports participation to self-esteem
AJ Tracy, S Erkut
Sociological Perspectives 45 (4), 445-466, 2002
Gender differences in middle school adjustment, physical fighting, and social skills: Evaluation of a social competency program
CA Taylor, B Liang, AJ Tracy, LM Williams, P Seigle
Journal of Primary Prevention 23, 259-272, 2002
Predicting adolescent self-esteem from participation in school sports among Latino subgroups
S Erkut, AJ Tracy
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 24 (4), 409-429, 2002
Stages of change and the group treatment of batterers: A randomized clinical trial
PC Alexander, E Morris, A Tracy, A Frye
Violence and victims 25 (5), 571-587, 2010
Protective effects of middle school comprehensive sex education with family involvement
JM Grossman, AJ Tracy, L Charmaraman, I Ceder, S Erkut
Journal of School Health 84 (11), 739-747, 2014
After the baby: Work‐family conflict and working mothers' psychological health
NL Marshall, AJ Tracy
Family Relations 58 (4), 380-391, 2009
The relational health indices for youth: An examination of reliability and validity aspects
B Liang, AJ Tracy, ME Kenny, D Brogan, R Gatha
Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development 42 (4), 255-274, 2010
Effects of Dating Matters® on sexual violence and sexual harassment outcomes among middle school youth: A cluster-randomized controlled trial
S DeGue, PH Niolon, LF Estefan, AJ Tracy, VD Le, AM Vivolo-Kantor, ...
Prevention science 22, 175-185, 2021
Mentoring Asian and Euro‐American college women
B Liang, A Tracy, T Kauh, C Taylor, LM Williams
Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development 34 (3), 143-154, 2006
Predicting stages of change in battered women
PC Alexander, A Tracy, M Radek, C Koverola
Journal of Interpersonal Violence 24 (10), 1652-1672, 2009
Shall we marry? Legal marriage as a commitment event in same-sex relationships
E Schecter, AJ Tracy, KV Page, G Luong
Journal of homosexuality 54 (4), 400-422, 2008
Middle School Effects of the Dating Matters® Comprehensive Teen Dating Violence Prevention Model on Physical Violence, Bullying, and Cyberbullying: a Cluster …
AM Vivolo-Kantor, PH Niolon, LF Estefan, VD Le, AJ Tracy, NE Latzman, ...
Prevention science 22, 151-161, 2021
Can sex education delay early sexual debut?
S Erkut, JM Grossman, AA Frye, I Ceder, L Charmaraman, AJ Tracy
The Journal of Early Adolescence 33 (4), 482-497, 2013
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