Qing-Feng Sun
Qing-Feng Sun
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Quantum transport theory for nanostructures with Rashba spin-orbital interaction
Q Sun, J Wang, H Guo
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (16), 165310, 2005
Spin-selective transport of electrons in DNA double helix
AM Guo, Q Sun
Physical review letters 108 (21), 218102, 2012
Numerical study of the topological Anderson insulator in HgTe/CdTe quantum wells
H Jiang, L Wang, Q Sun, XC Xie
Physical Review B 80 (16), 165316, 2009
Resonant Andreev reflection in a normal-metal–quantum-dot–superconductor system
Q Sun, J Wang, T Lin
Physical Review B 59 (5), 3831, 1999
Spin-polarized transport through a quantum dot: Anderson model with on-site Coulomb repulsion
N Sergueev, Q Sun, H Guo, BG Wang, J Wang
Physical Review B 65 (16), 165303, 2002
Spin-dependent electron transport in protein-like single-helical molecules
AM Guo, QF Sun
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (32), 11658-11662, 2014
Definition of the spin current: The angular spin current and its physical consequences
Q Sun, XC Xie
Physical Review B 72 (24), 245305, 2005
Disorder-induced enhancement of transport through graphene p− n junctions
W Long, Q Sun, J Wang
Physical review letters 101 (16), 166806, 2008
Detection of single-electron charging in an individual InAs quantum dot by noncontact atomic-force microscopy
R Stomp, Y Miyahara, S Schaer, Q Sun, H Guo, P Grutter, S Studenikin, ...
Physical review letters 94 (5), 056802, 2005
Disorder and metal-insulator transitions in Weyl semimetals
CZ Chen, J Song, H Jiang, Q Sun, Z Wang, XC Xie
Physical review letters 115 (24), 246603, 2015
Enhancement of the thermoelectric figure of merit in a quantum dot due to the Coulomb blockade effect
J Liu, Q Sun, XC Xie
Physical Review B 81 (24), 245323, 2010
A spin cell for spin current
Q Sun, H Guo, J Wang
Physical review letters 90 (25), 258301, 2003
Bias-controllable intrinsic spin polarization in a quantum dot: Proposed scheme based on spin-orbit interaction
Q Sun, XC Xie
Physical Review B 73 (23), 235301, 2006
Quantum transport through a graphene nanoribbon–superconductor junction
Q Sun, XC Xie
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21 (34), 344204, 2009
Topological Imbert-Fedorov shift in Weyl semimetals
QD Jiang, H Jiang, H Liu, QF Sun, XC Xie
Physical review letters 115 (15), 156602, 2015
Spontaneous spin-polarized current in a nonuniform Rashba interaction system
Q Sun, XC Xie
Physical Review B 71 (15), 155321, 2005
Persistent spin current in nanodevices and definition of the spin current
Q Sun, XC Xie, J Wang
Physical Review B 77 (3), 035327, 2008
Spin polarization and giant magnetoresistance effect induced by magnetization in zigzag graphene nanoribbons
YT Zhang, H Jiang, Q Sun, XC Xie
Physical Review B 81 (16), 165404, 2010
Spin Nernst effect and Nernst effect in two-dimensional electron systems
S Cheng, Y Xing, Q Sun, XC Xie
Physical Review B 78 (4), 045302, 2008
Topological insulator: a new quantized spin hall resistance robust to dephasing
H Jiang, S Cheng, Q Sun, XC Xie
Physical review letters 103 (3), 036803, 2009
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