Angel L Corbí López
Angel L Corbí López
Profesor de Investigación CSIC
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C-Type Lectins DC-SIGN and L-SIGN Mediate Cellular Entry by Ebola Virus in cis and in trans
CP Alvarez, F Lasala, J Carrillo, O Muñiz, AL Corbí, R Delgado
Journal of virology 76 (13), 6841-6844, 2002
The leukocyte integrins
TK Kishimoto, RS Larson, AL Corbi, ML Dustin, DE Staunton, TA Springer
Advances in immunology 46, 149-182, 1989
The I domain is a major recognition site on the leukocyte integrin Mac-1 (CD11b/CD18) for four distinct adhesion ligands.
MS Diamond, J Garcia-Aguilar, JK Bickford, AL Corbi, TA Springer
Journal of Cell Biology 120 (4), 1031-1043, 1993
CCL2 shapes macrophage polarization by GM-CSF and M-CSF: identification of CCL2/CCR2-dependent gene expression profile
E Sierra-Filardi, C Nieto, Á Domínguez-Soto, R Barroso, ...
The Journal of Immunology 192 (8), 3858-3867, 2014
Synergistic cooperation between hypoxia and transforming growth factor-β pathways on human vascular endothelial growth factor gene expression
T Sánchez-Elsner, LM Botella, B Velasco, A Corbı, L Attisano, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 276 (42), 38527-38535, 2001
Biogenic amines in fermented foods
G Spano, P Russo, A Lonvaud-Funel, P Lucas, H Alexandre, ...
European journal of clinical nutrition 64 (3), S95-S100, 2010
Folate receptor β is expressed by tumor-associated macrophages and constitutes a marker for M2 anti-inflammatory/regulatory macrophages
A Puig-Kröger, E Sierra-Filardi, A Domínguez-Soto, R Samaniego, ...
Cancer research 69 (24), 9395-9403, 2009
DC-SIGN (CD209) expression is IL-4 dependent and is negatively regulated by IFN, TGF-β, and anti-inflammatory agents
M Relloso, A Puig-Kröger, OM Pello, JL Rodríguez-Fernández, ...
The Journal of Immunology 168 (6), 2634-2643, 2002
The human leukocyte adhesion glycoprotein Mac-1 (complement receptor type 3, CD11b) alpha subunit. Cloning, primary structure, and relation to the integrins, von Willebrand …
AL Corbi, TK Kishimoto, LJ Miller, TA Springer
Journal of Biological Chemistry 263 (25), 12403-12411, 1988
Primary structure of the leukocyte function-associated molecule-1 alpha subunit: an integrin with an embedded domain defining a protein superfamily.
RS Larson, AL Corbi, L Berman, T Springer
The Journal of cell biology 108 (2), 703-712, 1989
cDNA cloning and complete primary structure of the alpha subunit of a leukocyte adhesion glycoprotein, p150, 95.
AL Corbi, LJ Miller, K O'Connor, RS Larson, TA Springer
The EMBO Journal 6 (13), 4023-4028, 1987
N2 neutrophils, novel players in brain inflammation after stroke: modulation by the PPARγ agonist rosiglitazone
MI Cuartero, I Ballesteros, A Moraga, F Nombela, J Vivancos, JA Hamilton, ...
Stroke 44 (12), 3498-3508, 2013
Identification and expression of two forms of the human transforming growth factor‐β‐binding protein endoglin with distinct cytoplasmic regions
T Bellón, A Corbi, P Lastres, C Calés, M Cebrián, S Vera, S Cheifetz, ...
European journal of immunology 23 (9), 2340-2345, 1993
Activin A skews macrophage polarization by promoting a proinflammatory phenotype and inhibiting the acquisition of anti-inflammatory macrophage markers
E Sierra-Filardi, A Puig-Kröger, FJ Blanco, C Nieto, R Bragado, ...
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 117 (19), 5092-5101, 2011
DC-SIGN ligation on dendritic cells results in ERK and PI3K activation and modulates cytokine production
E Caparrós, P Munoz, E Sierra-Filardi, D Serrano-Gómez, ...
Blood 107 (10), 3950-3958, 2006
Dendritic cell-specific intercellular adhesion molecule 3-grabbing nonintegrin mediates binding and internalization of Aspergillus fumigatus conidia by dendritic cells and …
D Serrano-Gómez, A Domínguez-Soto, J Ancochea, ...
The Journal of Immunology 173 (9), 5635-5643, 2004
Upregulated expression and function of VLA-4 fibronectin receptors on human activated T cells in rheumatoid arthritis.
A Laffón, R Garcia-Vicuna, A Humbria, AA Postigo, AL Corbi, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 88 (2), 546-552, 1991
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells resident in human thymus drive natural Treg cell development
E Martín-Gayo, E Sierra-Filardi, AL Corbí, ML Toribio
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 115 (26), 5366-5375, 2010
ITAM-based interaction of ERM proteins with Syk mediates signaling by the leukocyte adhesion receptor PSGL-1
A Urzainqui, JM Serrador, F Viedma, M Yáñez-Mó, A Rodrı́guez, AL Corbı́, ...
Immunity 17 (4), 401-412, 2002
Extracellular signal–regulated protein kinase signaling pathway negatively regulates the phenotypic and functional maturation of monocyte-derived human dendritic cells
A Puig-Kroger, M Relloso, O Fernández-Capetillo, A Zubiaga, A Silva, ...
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 98 (7), 2175-2182, 2001
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