Najwa Hayaati Mohd Alwi
Najwa Hayaati Mohd Alwi
Associate Professor in Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
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Cited by
Electronic medical record systems: Decision support examination framework for individual, security and privacy concerns using multi-perspective analysis
O Enaizan, AA Zaidan, NHM Alwi, BB Zaidan, MA Alsalem, OS Albahri, ...
Health and Technology 10, 795–822, 2020
E-learning and information security management
NHM Alwi, IS Fan
International Journal of Digital Society (IJDS) 1 (2), 148-156, 2010
Threats analysis for e-learning
NHM Alwi, IS Fan
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 2 (4), 358-371, 2010
Infusing social media in Teaching and Learning (TnL) at tertiary institutions: A case of effective communication in Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)
NH Mohd Alwi, NA Mahir, S Ismail
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 155, 265-270, 2014
Challenges and benefits of implementing cloud based e-Learning in developing countries
M Alghali, HMA Najwa, I Roesnita
Proceeding of the Social Sciences Research ICSSR, 9-10, 2014
Information security threats analysis for e-learning
NH Mohd Alwi, IS Fan
International Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, 285-291, 2010
Systematic review for network survivability analysis in MANETS
AH Azni, R Ahmad, ZAM Noh, F Hazwani, N Hayaati
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 195, 1872-1881, 2015
Privacy and security concern for electronic medical record acceptance and use: state of the art
OM Enaizan, NH Alwi, NJ Zaizi
Journal of Advanced Science and Engineering Research 7 (2), 23-34, 2017
Factors that affect the use of Malaysian e-learning websites by visually impaired users in the transfer of Islamic knowledge
MRM Alahoul, N Azizan, NH Alwi
Journal of Advanced Research in Social Sciences and Humanities 1 (1), 30-40, 2016
Information security management in e-learning
NHM Alwi, IS Fan
2009 International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured …, 2009
Managing Organizational Culture Requirement For Business Continuity Management (BCM) Implementation Using Goal-Question-Metric (GQm) Approach
NH Mansol, NH Mohd Alwi, W Ismail
Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 78 (12-3), 13-22, 2016
Promoting Islamic Ethics on Privacy in Digital Social Network For User Data Protection and Trust
NM Norwawi, NHM Alwi, R Ismail, F Wahid, NM Alkaenay
ʻUlūm Islāmiyyah Journal 197 (1979), 1-23, 2014
Success factors towards implementation of business continuity management in organizations
NH Mansol, NH Mohd Alwi, W Ismail
International Journal of Digital Society (IJDS) 5 (1), 869-871, 2014
A Systematic Review on E-government Security Aspects
R Ihmouda, NH Mohd Alwi, I Abdullah
International Journal of Enhanced Research in Management and Computer …, 2014
Computer security self-efficacy effect: An extention of technology-to-performance chain model
M Al-Shawabkeh, MM Saudi, NHM Alwi
2012 IEEE Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium, 64-69, 2012
Measuring sensor to cloud energy consumption
AH Azni, AFA Rahman, NHM Alwi, K Seman
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Internet of things …, 2017
Correlated Topology Control Algorithm for Survival Network in MANETS
AH Azni, R Ahmad, K Seman, NH Mohd Alwi, ZAM Noh
Advanced Computer and Communication Engineering Technology, 93-102, 2016
Towards an Efficient Privacy in Cloud Based E-Learning
AA Maher, NH Mohd Alwi, I Roesnita
International conference on Intelligent Systems, Data Mining and Information …, 2014
Privacy in Cloud Based E-Learning
M Alghali, NH Mohd Alwi, R Ismail
The Second International Conference on Informatics Engineering & Information …, 2013
Information security in elearning: A discussion of empirical data on information security and elearning
NHM Alwi, IS Fan
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Articles 1–20