Namangala Boniface
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Cited by
Relative contribution of interferon-γ and interleukin-10 to resistance to murine African trypanosomosis
B Namangala, W Noël, P De Baetselier, L Brys, A Beschin
The Journal of infectious diseases 183 (12), 1794-1800, 2001
Direct blood dry LAMP: a rapid, stable, and easy diagnostic tool for Human African Trypanosomiasis
K Hayashida, K Kajino, L Hachaambwa, B Namangala, C Sugimoto
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 9 (3), e0003578, 2015
Seroepidemiological Prevalence of Multiple Species of Filoviruses in Fruit Bats (Eidolon helvum) Migrating in Africa
H Ogawa, H Miyamoto, E Nakayama, R Yoshida, I Nakamura, H Sawa, ...
The Journal of infectious diseases 212 (suppl_2), S101-S108, 2015
High prevalence of drug resistance in animal trypanosomes without a history of drug exposure
S Chitanga, T Marcotty, B Namangala, P Van den Bossche, ...
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 5 (12), e1454, 2011
Alternative versus classical macrophage activation during experimental African trypanosomosis
P De Baetselier, B Namangala, W Noël, L Brys, E Pays, A Beschin
International journal for parasitology 31 (5-6), 575-587, 2001
Two serine protease inhibitors (serpins) that induce a bovine protective immune response against Rhipicephalus appendiculatus ticks
S Imamura, B Namangala, T Tajima, ME Tembo, J Yasuda, K Ohashi, ...
Vaccine 24 (13), 2230-2237, 2006
Alternative versus classical macrophage activation during experimental African trypanosomosis
B Namangala, P De Baetselier, W Noel, L Brys, A Beschin
Journal of Leukocyte Biology 69 (3), 387-396, 2001
Cryptic Eimeria genotypes are common across the southern but not northern hemisphere
EL Clark, SE Macdonald, V Thenmozhi, K Kundu, R Garg, S Kumar, ...
International journal for parasitology 46 (9), 537-544, 2016
Development of Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) Assays for Rapid Detection of Ehrlichia ruminantium
R Nakao, EY Stromdahl, JW Magona, B Faburay, B Namangala, I Malele, ...
BMC microbiology 10, 1-11, 2010
Infection Stage-Dependent Modulation of Macrophage Activation in Trypanosoma congolense-Resistant and -Susceptible Mice
W Noël, G Hassanzadeh, G Raes, B Namangala, I Daems, L Brys, ...
Infection and Immunity 70 (11), 6180-6187, 2002
Attenuation of Trypanosoma brucei Is Associated with Reduced Immunosuppression and Concomitant Production of Th2 Lymphokines
B Namangala, P De Baetselier, L Brijs, B Stijlemans, W Noël, E Pays, ...
The Journal of infectious diseases 181 (3), 1110-1120, 2000
Ungulate malaria parasites
TJ Templeton, M Asada, M Jiratanh, SA Ishikawa, S Tiawsirisup, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 23230, 2016
Characterization of tabanid flies (Diptera: Tabanidae) in South Africa and Zambia and detection of protozoan parasites they are harbouring
MO Taioe, MY Motloang, B Namangala, A Chota, NI Molefe, ...
Parasitology 144 (9), 1162-1178, 2017
Prevalence of Trypanosoma sp. in cattle from Tanzania estimated by conventional PCR and loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP)
D Laohasinnarong, OMM Thekisoe, I Malele, B Namangala, A Ishii, ...
Parasitology Research 109, 1735-1739, 2011
How the African trypanosomes evade host immune killing
B Namangala
Parasite immunology 33 (8), 430-437, 2011
Molecular detection of Rickettsia felis in dogs, rodents and cat fleas in Zambia
LC Moonga, K Hayashida, R Nakao, M Lisulo, C Kaneko, I Nakamura, ...
Parasites & Vectors 12, 1-9, 2019
Determination of the prevalence of African trypanosome species in indigenous dogs of Mambwe district, eastern Zambia, by loop-mediated isothermal amplification
M Lisulo, C Sugimoto, K Kajino, K Hayashida, M Mudenda, L Moonga, ...
Parasites & vectors 7, 1-7, 2014
Direct detection of falciparum and non-falciparum malaria DNA from a drop of blood with high sensitivity by the dried-LAMP system
K Hayashida, K Kajino, H Simukoko, M Simuunza, J Ndebe, A Chota, ...
Parasites & vectors 10, 1-9, 2017
Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assays for detection of Theileria parva infections targeting the PIM and p150 genes
OMM Thekisoe, NE Rambritch, R Nakao, RS Bazie, P Mbati, ...
International journal for parasitology 40 (1), 55-61, 2010
Occurrence of Eimeria species parasites on small-scale commercial chicken farms in Africa and indication of economic profitability
KM Fornace, EL Clark, SE Macdonald, B Namangala, E Karimuribo, ...
PLoS One 8 (12), e84254, 2013
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Articles 1–20