Mitzi Montoya
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Cited by
Determinants of new product performance: A review and meta-analysis
MM Montoya-Weiss, R Calantone
Journal of product innovation management 11 (5), 397-417, 1994
Getting it together: Temporal coordination and conflict management in global virtual teams
MM Montoya-Weiss, AP Massey, M Song
Academy of management Journal 44 (6), 1251-1262, 2001
Determinants of online channel use and overall satisfaction with a relational, multichannel service provider
MM Montoya-Weiss, GB Voss, D Grewal
Journal of the academy of marketing Science 31 (4), 448-458, 2003
Do I really have to? User acceptance of mandated technology
SA Brown, AP Massey, MM Montoya-Weiss, JR Burkman
European journal of information systems 11 (4), 283-295, 2002
Critical development activities for really new versus incremental products
XM Song, MM Montoya‐Weiss
Journal of Product Innovation Management: An International Publication Of …, 1998
Integrating operations and marketing perspectives of product innovation: The influence of organizational process factors and capabilities on development performance
MV Tatikonda, MM Montoya-Weiss
Management science 47 (1), 151-172, 2001
The effect of perceived technological uncertainty on Japanese new product development
M Song, MM Montoya-Weiss
Academy of Management journal 44 (1), 61-80, 2001
Antecedents and consequences of cross‐functional cooperation: A comparison of R&D, manufacturing, and marketing perspectives
XM Song, MM Montoya‐Weiss, JB Schmidt
Journal of Product Innovation Management: An international publication of …, 1997
Cultural differences in the online behavior of consumers
PYK Chau, M Cole, AP Massey, M Montoya-Weiss, RM O'Keefe
Communications of the ACM 45 (10), 138-143, 2002
Knowledge management in pursuit of performance: Insights from Nortel Networks
AP Massey, MM Montoya-Weiss, TM O'Driscoll
MIS quarterly, 269-289, 2002
New product development decision‐making effectiveness: comparing individuals, face‐to‐face teams, and virtual teams
JB Schmidt, MM Montoya‐Weiss, AP Massey
Decision sciences 32 (4), 575-600, 2001
Because time matters: Temporal coordination in global virtual project teams
AP Massey, MM Montoya-Weiss, YT Hung
Journal of management information systems 19 (4), 129-155, 2003
Re-engineering the customer relationship: leveraging knowledge assets at IBM
AP Massey, MM Montoya-Weiss, K Holcom
Decision Support Systems 32 (2), 155-170, 2001
Antecedents and consequences of creativity in product innovation teams
S Im, MM Montoya, JP Workman Jr
Journal of Product Innovation Management 30 (1), 170-185, 2013
From experience: applying performance support technology in the fuzzy front end
MM Montoya‐Weiss, TM O'Driscoll
Journal of Product Innovation Management: An International Publication of …, 2000
Unraveling the temporal fabric of knowledge conversion: A model of media selection and use
AP Massey, MM Montoya-Weiss
MIS quarterly, 99-114, 2006
Usability of online services: The role of technology readiness and context
AP Massey, V Khatri, MM Montoya‐Weiss
Decision Sciences 38 (2), 277-308, 2007
Can You Hear Me Now? Communication in Virtual Product Development Teams*
MM Montoya, AP Massey, YTC Hung, CB Crisp
Journal of Product Innovation Management 26 (2), 139-155, 2009
Exploring New Product Development Project Review Practices*
JB Schmidt, KR Sarangee, MM Montoya
Journal of Product Innovation Management 26 (5), 520-535, 2009
3D collaborative virtual environments: Exploring the link between collaborative behaviors and team performance
MM Montoya, AP Massey, NS Lockwood
Decision Sciences 42 (2), 451-476, 2011
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Articles 1–20