Claudia Pasquero
Claudia Pasquero
Associate Professor, University of Milan - Bicocca; CONISMA; ISAC-CNR
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Deposition of banded iron formations by anoxygenic phototrophic Fe (II)-oxidizing bacteria
A Kappler, C Pasquero, KO Konhauser, DK Newman
Geology 33 (11), 865-868, 2005
Northwestern Pacific typhoon intensity controlled by changes in ocean temperatures
W Mei, SP Xie, F Primeau, JC McWilliams, C Pasquero
Science advances 1 (4), e1500014, 2015
The effect of translation speed upon the intensity of tropical cyclones over the tropical ocean
W Mei, C Pasquero, F Primeau
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (7), 2012
Parameterization of dispersion in two-dimensional turbulence
C Pasquero, A Provenzale, A Babiano
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 439, 279-303, 2001
Spatial and temporal characterization of sea surface temperature response to tropical cyclones
W Mei, C Pasquero
Journal of Climate 26 (11), 3745-3765, 2013
Rapid climate change and conditional instability of the glacial deep ocean from the thermobaric effect and geothermal heating
JF Adkins, AP Ingersoll, C Pasquero
Quaternary Science Reviews 24 (5-6), 581-594, 2005
Tropical cyclones and transient upper-ocean warming
C Pasquero, K Emanuel
Journal of Climate 21 (1), 149-162, 2008
Variability of orographic enhancement of precipitation in the Alpine region
A Napoli, A Crespi, F Ragone, M Maugeri, C Pasquero
Scientific reports 9 (1), 13352, 2019
The velocity distribution of barotropic turbulence
A Bracco, J LaCasce, C Pasquero, A Provenzale
Physics of Fluids 12 (10), 2478-2488, 2000
Sea surface height evidence for long-term warming effects of tropical cyclones on the ocean
W Mei, F Primeau, JC McWilliams, C Pasquero
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (38), 15207-15210, 2013
Decoupling of the Arctic Oscillation and North Atlantic Oscillation in a warmer climate
ME Hamouda, C Pasquero, E Tziperman
Nature Climate Change 11 (2), 137-142, 2021
Horizontal advection, diffusion, and plankton spectra at the sea surface
A Bracco, S Clayton, C Pasquero
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 114 (C2), 2009
Stationary spectrum of vorticity cascade in two-dimensional turbulence
C Pasquero, G Falkovich
Physical Review E 65 (5), 056305, 2002
Impact of the spatiotemporal variability of the nutrient flux on primary productivity in the ocean
C Pasquero, A Bracco, A Provenzale
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 110 (C7), 2005
Role of SST patterns on surface wind modulation of a heavy midlatitude precipitation event
AN Meroni, A Parodi, C Pasquero
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 123 (17), 9081-9096, 2018
Air‐sea interactions in the cold wakes of tropical cyclones
C Pasquero, F Desbiolles, AN Meroni
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (2), e2020GL091185, 2021
Restratification of the upper ocean after the passage of a tropical cyclone: A numerical study
W Mei, C Pasquero
Journal of physical oceanography 42 (9), 1377-1401, 2012
Magmatic forcing of Cenozoic climate?
P Sternai, L Caricchi, C Pasquero, E Garzanti, DJJ van Hinsbergen, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125 (1), e2018JB016460, 2020
Differential eddy diffusion of biogeochemical tracers
C Pasquero
Geophysical research letters 32 (17), 2005
A composite approach to produce reference datasets for extratropical cyclone tracks: application to Mediterranean cyclones
E Flaounas, L Aragão, L Bernini, S Dafis, B Doiteau, H Flocas, SL Gray, ...
Weather and Climate Dynamics 4 (3), 639-661, 2023
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