Articles with public access mandates - jonathan platkiewiczLearn more
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Fitting neuron models to spike trains
C Rossant, DFM Goodman, B Fontaine, J Platkiewicz, AK Magnusson, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 5, 9, 2011
Mandates: Swedish Research Council
Haptic edge detection through shear
J Platkiewicz, H Lipson, V Hayward
Scientific reports 6 (1), 23551, 2016
Mandates: European Commission
Spike-centered jitter can mistake temporal structure
J Platkiewicz, E Stark, A Amarasingham
Neural computation 29 (3), 783-803, 2017
Mandates: US Department of Defense, US National Institutes of Health, European Commission
Recording device for natural haptic textures felt with the bare fingertip
J Platkiewicz, A Mansutti, M Bordegoni, V Hayward
Haptics: Neuroscience, Devices, Modeling, and Applications: 9th …, 2014
Mandates: European Commission
Monosynaptic inference via finely-timed spikes
J Platkiewicz, Z Saccomano, S McKenzie, D English, A Amarasingham
Journal of Computational Neuroscience 49, 131-157, 2021
Mandates: US Department of Defense, US National Institutes of Health
Robust estimation of millisecond timescale synchrony under nonstationary conditions and its physiological interpretation
J Platkiewicz, K Diba, P Quilichini, G Buzsaki, A Amarasingham
BMC Neuroscience 16, 1-2, 2015
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
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