Early agriculture in the Maya lowlands MD Pohl, KO Pope, JG Jones, JS Jacob, DR Piperno, SD DeFrance, ... Latin American Antiquity 7 (4), 355-372, 1996 | 437 | 1996 |
Climatic and environmental variability in the rise of Maya civilization: A preliminary perspective from northern Petén RD Hansen, S Bozarth, J Jacob, D Wahl, T Schreiner Ancient Mesoamerica 13 (2), 273-295, 2002 | 173 | 2002 |
C4 plant productivity and climate-CO2 variations in south-central Texas during the late Quaternary LC Nordt, TW Boutton, JS Jacob, RD Mandel Quaternary Research 58 (2), 182-188, 2002 | 142 | 2002 |
Ancient Maya wetland agricultural fields in Cobweb Swamp, Belize: Construction, chronology, and function JS Jacob Journal of Field Archaeology 22 (2), 175-190, 1995 | 89 | 1995 |
Archaeological pedology in the Maya Lowlands JS Jacob Pedological perspectives in archaeological research 44, 51-80, 1996 | 76 | 1996 |
Stable carbon isotope composition of pedogenic carbonates and their use in studying pedogenesis LC Nordt, LP Wilding, CT Hallmark, JS Jacob Mass spectrometry of soils, 133 -154, 1996 | 67 | 1996 |
Holocene palaeosalinity in a Maya wetland, Belize, inferred from the microfaunal assemblage JA Alcala-Herrera, JS Jacob, MLM Castillo, RW Neck Quaternary Research 41 (1), 121-130, 1994 | 64 | 1994 |
Formation of ancient Maya wetland fields: Natural and anthropogenic processes KO Pope, MD Pohl, JS Jacob The Managed Mosaic: Ancient Maya Agriculture and Resource Use. University of …, 1996 | 57 | 1996 |
Evidence of surface connectivity for Texas Gulf Coast depressional wetlands BP Wilcox, DD Dean, JS Jacob, A Sipocz Wetlands 31, 451-458, 2011 | 56 | 2011 |
Quantifying map unit composition for quality control in soil survey LC Nordt, JS Jacob, LP Wilding Spatial variabilities of soils and landforms 28, 183-197, 1991 | 48 | 1991 |
Holocene stratigraphy of Cobweb Swamp, a Maya wetland in northern Belize JS Jacob, CT Hallmark Geological Society of America Bulletin 108 (7), 883-891, 1996 | 40 | 1996 |
The Agroecological Evolution of Cobweb Swamp, Belize JS Jacob Texas A&M University, 1992 | 28 | 1992 |
Aquerts and aquertic soils: a querulous proposition JS Jacob, RW Griffin, WL Miller, LR Wilding Aquic conditions and hydric soils: The problem soils 50, 61-77, 1997 | 23 | 1997 |
Texas coastal wetlands guidebook DW Moulton, JS Jacob | 21 | 2000 |
Soil and landscape evolution: a paradigm for pedology JS Jacob, LC Nordt Soil Science Society of America Journal 55 (4), 1194-1194, 1991 | 21 | 1991 |
Policy frameworks for Adaptation to Climate Change in Coastal Zones: The Case of the Gulf of Mexico E Levina, J Jacob, LER Bustillos, I Ortiz OECD Papers 7 (1), 1-68, 2007 | 19 | 2007 |
Houston-area freshwater wetland loss, 1992-2010 J Jacob, K Pandian, R Lopez, H Biggs | 15 | 2014 |
Nuevas evidencias de los sistemas de cultivo del preclásico en la Cuenca Mirador G Martínez Hildalgo, RD Hansen, J Jacob, WK Howell, HL Escobedo, ... XII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, 327-336, 1999 | 15 | 1999 |
The Resilient Coast: policy frameworks for adapting the built environment to climate change and growth in coastal areas of the US Gulf of Mexico JS Jacob, S Showalter | 14 | 2007 |
Evidencias para cambio ambiental en Nakbe, Guatemala J Jacob, JP Laporte, HL Escobedo, SV de Brady VII Simposio Arqueológico de Guatemala, 275-280, 1994 | 10 | 1994 |