OKAZE Tsubasa
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Cited by
CFD modeling of snowdrift around a building: An overview of models and evaluation of a new approach
Y Tominaga, T Okaze, A Mochida
Building and Environment 46 (4), 899-910, 2011
Comparison of hexahedral, tetrahedral and polyhedral cells for reproducing the wind field around an isolated building by LES
W Wang, Y Cao, T Okaze
Building and Environment 195, 107717, 2021
Evaluation of urban heat islands using local climate zones and the influence of sea-land breeze
X Zhou, T Okaze, C Ren, M Cai, Y Ishida, H Watanabe, A Mochida
Sustainable Cities and Society 55, 102060, 2020
Large-eddy simulation of flow around an isolated building: A step-by-step analysis of influencing factors on turbulent statistics
T Okaze, H Kikumoto, H Ono, M Imano, N Ikegaya, T Hasama, K Nakao, ...
Building and Environment 202, 108021, 2021
Wind tunnel investigation of drifting snow development in a boundary layer
T Okaze, A Mochida, Y Tominaga, M Nemoto, T Sato, Y Sasaki, ...
Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics 104, 532-539, 2012
Effect of the numerical viscosity on reproduction of mean and turbulent flow fields in the case of a 1: 1: 2 single block model
N Ikegaya, T Okaze, H Kikumoto, M Imano, H Ono, Y Tominaga
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 191, 279-296, 2019
Development of a system for predicting snow distribution in built-up environments: Combining a mesoscale meteorological model and a CFD model
Y Tominaga, A Mochida, T Okaze, T Sato, M Nemoto, H Motoyoshi, ...
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 99 (4), 460-468, 2011
Statistical analysis of low-occurrence strong wind speeds at the pedestrian level around a simplified building based on the Weibull distribution
W Wang, T Okaze
Building and Environment 209, 108644, 2022
Mapping local climate zones for a Japanese large city by an extended workflow of WUDAPT Level 0 method
X Zhou, T Okaze, C Ren, M Cai, Y Ishida, A Mochida
Urban Climate 33, 100660, 2020
Wind tunnel experiment and CFD analysis of sand erosion/deposition due to wind around an obstacle
Y Tominaga, T Okaze, A Mochida
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 182, 262-271, 2018
CFD prediction of snowdrift around a cubic building model
Y Tominaga, A Mochida, H Yoshino, T Shida, T Okaze
The fourth international symposium on computational wind engineering …, 2006
Evaluation of exceeding wind speed at a pedestrian level around a 1: 1: 2 isolated block model
N Ikegaya, T Kawaminami, T Okaze, A Hagishima
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 201, 104193, 2020
Cholesky decomposition–based generation of artificial inflow turbulence including scalar fluctuation
T Okaze, A Mochida
Computers & Fluids 159, 23-32, 2017
Development of a large-eddy simulation coupled with Lagrangian snow transport model
T Okaze, H Niiya, K Nishimura
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 183, 35-43, 2018
Large-eddy simulation of flow around buildings: validation and sensitivity analysis
T Okaze, H Kikumoto, H Ono, M Imano, N Ikegaya, T Hasama, K Nakao, ...
The University of Auckland, 2017
Development of a new k–ε model to reproduce the aerodynamic effects of snow particles on a flow field
T Okaze, Y Takano, A Mochida, Y Tominaga
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 144, 118-124, 2015
Influence of urban configuration on the structure of kinetic energy transport and the energy dissipation rate
Y Ishida, T Okaze, A Mochida
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 183, 198-213, 2018
CFD simulation of drift snow loads for an isolated gable-roof building
Y Tominaga, T Okaze, A Mochida
8th International Conference on Snow Engineering, 14-17, 2016
Modeling of drifting snow development in a boundary layer and its effects on wind field
Tsubasa Okaze, Akashi Mochida, Yoshihide Tominaga, Masaki Nemoto, Yu Ito ...
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Snow Engineering, 2008
Estimating low-occurrence wind speeds from mean velocity and turbulent kinetic energy: development of statistical method and validation with idealized cases
W Wang, T Okaze
Building and Environment 224, 109499, 2022
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Articles 1–20