David Hutchinson
Cited by
Cited by
Australian energy resource assessment
L Jaques, M Bradshaw, L Carson, A Budd, M Huleatt, D Hutchinson, ...
Geoscience Australia and ABARE, 2010
The Eocene-Oligocene transition: a review of marine and terrestrial proxy data, models and model-data comparisons
DK Hutchinson, HK Coxall, DJ Lunt, M Steinthorsdottir, AM de Boer, ...
Climate of the Past, 2021
Global mean surface temperature and climate sensitivity of the EECO, PETM and latest Paleocene
GN Inglis, F Bragg, N Burls, D Evans, GL Foster, M Huber, DJ Lunt, N Siler, ...
Climate of the past Discussions 2020, 1-43, 2020
DeepMIP: Model intercomparison of early Eocene climatic optimum (EECO) large-scale climate features and comparison with proxy data
DJ Lunt, F Bragg, WL Chan, DK Hutchinson, JB Ladant, P Morozova, ...
Climate of the Past 17 (1), 203-227, 2021
Simulating Miocene warmth: Insights from an opportunistic multi‐model ensemble (MioMIP1)
NJ Burls, CD Bradshaw, AM De Boer, N Herold, M Huber, M Pound, ...
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 36 (5), e2020PA004054, 2021
Arctic closure as a trigger for Atlantic overturning at the Eocene-Oligocene Transition
DK Hutchinson, HK Coxall, M OʹRegan, J Nilsson, R Caballero, ...
Nature Communications 10 (1), 3797, 2019
The effects of mesoscale ocean–atmosphere coupling on the large-scale ocean circulation
AMC Hogg, WK Dewar, P Berloff, S Kravtsov, DK Hutchinson
Journal of Climate 22 (15), 4066-4082, 2009
Climate sensitivity and meridional overturning circulation in the late Eocene using GFDL CM2.1
DK Hutchinson, AM de Boer, HK Coxall, R Caballero, J Nilsson, ...
Climate of the Past 14 (6), 789, 2018
Obliquity control on southern hemisphere climate during the last glacial
CJ Fogwill, CSM Turney, DK Hutchinson, AS Taschetto, MH England
Scientific Reports 5 (1), 11673, 2015
Southern Ocean response to relative velocity wind stress forcing
DK Hutchinson, AMC Hogg, JR Blundell
Journal of Physical Oceanography 40 (2), 326-339, 2010
Early Eocene ocean meridional overturning circulation: The roles of atmospheric forcing and strait geometry
Y Zhang, AM de Boer, DJ Lunt, DK Hutchinson, P Ross, T van de Flierdt, ...
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 37 (3), e2021PA004329, 2022
Pleistocene glacial history of the New Zealand subantarctic islands
E Rainsley, CSM Turney, NR Golledge, JM Wilmshurst, MS McGlone, ...
Climate of the Past 15, 423-448, 2019
Global and zonal‐mean hydrological response to early Eocene warmth
MJ Cramwinckel, NJ Burls, AA Fahad, S Knapp, CK West, T Reichgelt, ...
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 38 (6), e2022PA004542, 2023
Rapid global ocean-atmosphere response to Southern Ocean freshening during the last glacial
CSM Turney, RT Jones, SJ Phipps, Z Thomas, A Hogg, AP Kershaw, ...
Nature Communications 8 (1), 520, 2017
Ice–atmosphere feedbacks dominate the response of the climate system to Drake Passage closure
MH England, DK Hutchinson, A Santoso, WP Sijp
Journal of Climate 30 (15), 5775-5790, 2017
Geological and energy implications of the Paterson Province airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey, Western Australia
IC Roach, KF Cassidy, MT Costelloe, K Czarnota, P Duerden, ...
Geoscience Australia Record 12, 318, 2010
Plant proxy evidence for high rainfall and productivity in the Eocene of Australia
T Reichgelt, DR Greenwood, S Steinig, JG Conran, DK Hutchinson, ...
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 37 (6), e2022PA004418, 2022
Remote sensing measures restoration successes, but canopy heights lag in restoring floodplain vegetation
SK Dawson, A Fisher, R Lucas, DK Hutchinson, P Berney, D Keith, ...
Remote Sensing 8 (7), 542, 2016
Interhemispheric asymmetry in transient global warming: The role of Drake Passage
DK Hutchinson, MH England, A Santoso, AMC Hogg
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (8), 1587-1593, 2013
Obliquity‐driven expansion of North Atlantic sea ice during the last glacial
CSM Turney, ZA Thomas, DK Hutchinson, CJA Bradshaw, BW Brook, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 42 (23), 10,382-10,390, 2015
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Articles 1–20