Pham Dinh Nguyen
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Cited by
Nonlinear dynamic response of functionally graded porous plates on elastic foundation subjected to thermal and mechanical loads
N Dinh Duc, VD Quang, PD Nguyen, TM Chien
Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics 4 (4), 245-259, 2018
Nonlinear dynamic analysis and vibration of eccentrically stiffened S-FGM elliptical cylindrical shells surrounded on elastic foundations in thermal environments
ND Duc, PD Nguyen, ND Khoa
Thin-walled structures 117, 178-189, 2017
Nonlinear buckling and post-buckling of functionally graded CNTs reinforced composite truncated conical shells subjected to axial load
QC Do, DN Pham, DQ Vu, TTA Vu, DD Nguyen
Steel and Composite Structures 31, 2019
Nonlinear post-buckling of CNTs reinforced sandwich-structured composite annular spherical shells
DT Manh, VTT Anh, PD Nguyen, ND Duc
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 20 (02), 2050018, 2020
Effect of eccentrically oblique stiffeners and temperature on the nonlinear static and dynamic response of S-FGM cylindrical panels
ND Duc, SE Kim, DT Manh, PD Nguyen
Thin-Walled Structures 146, 106438, 2020
Nonlinear vibration of carbon nanotube reinforced composite truncated conical shells in thermal environment
PD Nguyen, VD Quang, VTT Anh, ND Duc
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 19 (12), 1950158, 2019
The dynamic response and vibration of functionally graded carbon nanotube-reinforced composite (FG-CNTRC) truncated conical shells resting on elastic foundations
D Nguyen Dinh, PD Nguyen
Materials 10 (10), 1194, 2017
Nonlinear stability of eccentrically stiffened S-FGM elliptical cylindrical shells in thermal environment
ND Duc, ND Tuan, P Tran, PH Cong, PD Nguyen
Thin-Walled Structures 108, 280-290, 2016
Buckling response of laminated FG-CNT reinforced composite plates: analytical and finite element approach
PD Nguyen, G Papazafeiropoulos, QV Vu, ND Duc
Aerospace Science and Technology 121, 107368, 2022
An analytical solution for nonlinear dynamic response and vibration of FG‐CNT reinforced nanocomposite elliptical cylindrical shells resting on elastic foundations
ND Dat, ND Khoa, PD Nguyen, ND Duc
ZAMM‐Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics/Zeitschrift für Angewandte …, 2020
Nonlinear dynamic analysis of porous graphene platelet-reinforced composite sandwich shallow spherical shells
VTT Anh, VT Huong, PD Nguyen, ND Duc
Mechanics of Composite Materials 57, 609-622, 2021
Mechanical stability of eccentrically stiffened auxetic truncated conical sandwich shells surrounded by elastic foundations
ND Duc, DT Manh, ND Khoa, PD Nguyen
Mechanics of Composite Materials 58 (3), 365-382, 2022
An analytical approach on nonlinear mechanical and thermal post-buckling of nanocomposite double-curved shallow shells reinforced by carbon nanotubes
ND Duc, PD Nguyen, NH Cuong, N Van Sy, ND Khoa
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2019
A nonlocal higher-order shear deformation approach for nonline ar static analysis of magneto-electro-elastic sandwich Micro/Nano-plates with FG-CNT core in hygrothermal environment
VTT Anh, ND Dat, PD Nguyen, ND Duc
Aerospace Science and Technology 147, 109069, 2024
A semi-analytical sinusoidal shear deformation theory for nonlinear dynamic response and vibration of CNT–FGM doubly curved shallow shells
PD Nguyen, ND Duc
Acta Mechanica 235 (4), 2077-2112, 2024
Optimization of laminated composite plates for maximum biaxial buckling load
DN Pham, V Quang-Viet, P George, TT Hoang, MV Pham, DD Nguyen
VNU Journal of Science: Mathematics-Physics 36 (2), 2020
Analytical investigation on nonlinear dynamic behavior and free vibration analysis of laminated nanocomposite plates
ND Khoa, PD Nguyen
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2019
Nonlinear dynamic response of nano-composite sandwich annular spherical shells
DD Nguyen, TTA Vu, TH Vu, DQ Vu, DN Pham
VNU Journal of Science: Mathematics-Physics 35 (3), 2019
A comprehensive investigation on optimum layer thickness and fiber orientations of laminated composite plates against buckling failure under various loading conditions
PD Nguyen, QV Vu, G Papazafeiropoulos, ND Duc
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 38 (9), 4757-4763, 2024
 Static Buckling and Free Vibration Analysis of Aligned CNTs Reinforced Composite Plates
DN Pham, TH Do Thi, MT Duong
VNU Journal of Science: Mathematics-Physics 39 (4), 2023
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Articles 1–20