Sean R. Tracey
Sean R. Tracey
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies
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Cited by
The spatial expansion and ecological footprint of fisheries (1950 to present)
W Swartz, E Sala, S Tracey, R Watson, D Pauly
PloS one 5 (12), e15143, 2010
The trophic fingerprint of marine fisheries
TA Branch, R Watson, EA Fulton, S Jennings, CR McGilliard, GT Pablico, ...
Nature 468 (7322), 431-435, 2010
Application of elliptical Fourier analysis of otolith form as a tool for stock identification
SR Tracey, JM Lyle, G Duhamel
Fisheries Research 77 (2), 138-147, 2006
When is a fishery sustainable?
R Hilborn, EA Fulton, BS Green, K Hartmann, SR Tracey, RA Watson
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72 (9), 1433-1441, 2015
Ecological connectivity between the areas beyond national jurisdiction and coastal waters: Safeguarding interests of coastal communities in developing countries
E Popova, D Vousden, WHH Sauer, EY Mohammed, V Allain, ...
Marine Policy 104, 90-102, 2019
Provenance of global seafood
RA Watson, BS Green, SR Tracey, A Farmery, TJ Pitcher
Fish and Fisheries 17 (3), 585-595, 2016
Marine foods sourced from farther as their use of global ocean primary production increases
RA Watson, GB Nowara, K Hartmann, BS Green, SR Tracey, CG Carter
Nature communications 6 (1), 7365, 2015
Inter-annual plasticity of squid life history and population structure: ecological and management implications
GT Pecl, NA Moltschaniwskyj, SR Tracey, AR Jordan
Oecologia 139, 515-524, 2004
Survey of Recreational Fishing in Tasmania
JM Lyle, SR Tracey, KE Stark, S Witherspoon
Tasmanian Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute, 2009
Reproductive biology and per-recruit analyses of striped trumpeter (Latris lineata) from Tasmania, Australia: Implications for management
SR Tracey, JM Lyle, M Haddon
Fisheries Research 84 (3), 358-367, 2007
High survivorship after catch-and-release fishing suggests physiological resilience in the endothermic shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus)
RP French, J Lyle, S Tracey, S Currie, JM Semmens
Conservation Physiology 3 (1), cov044, 2015
The social licence to operate and its role in marine governance: Insights from Australia
C Cullen-Knox, M Haward, J Jabour, E Ogier, SR Tracey
Marine Policy 79, 70-77, 2017
Exploiting seasonal habitat use of the common carp, Cyprinus carpio, in a lacustrine system for management and eradication
AH Taylor, SR Tracey, K Hartmann, JG Patil
Marine and Freshwater Research 63 (7), 587-597, 2012
Use of acoustic telemetry for spatial management of southern calamary Sepioteuthis australis, a highly mobile inshore squid species
GT Pecl, SR Tracey, JM Semmens, GD Jackson
Marine Ecology Progress Series 328, 1-15, 2006
The ecological role of cephalopods and their representation in ecosystem models
T de la Chesnais, EA Fulton, SR Tracey, GT Pecl
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 29, 313-334, 2019
Autonomous adaptation to climate-driven change in marine biodiversity in a global marine hotspot
GT Pecl, E Ogier, S Jennings, I van Putten, C Crawford, H Fogarty, ...
Ambio 48, 1498-1515, 2019
Preparing for a changing future in recreational fisheries: 100 research questions for global consideration emerging from a horizon scan
PE Holder, AL Jeanson, RJ Lennox, JW Brownscombe, R Arlinghaus, ...
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 30 (1), 137-151, 2020
Rapid shifts in distribution and high‐latitude persistence of oceanographic habitat revealed using citizen science data from a climate change hotspot
C Champion, AJ Hobday, SR Tracey, GT Pecl
Global change biology 24 (11), 5440-5453, 2018
Systematic culling controls a climate driven, habitat modifying invader
SR Tracey, T Baulch, K Hartmann, SD Ling, V Lucieer, MP Marzloff, ...
Biological Invasions 17, 1885-1896, 2015
Niche overlap and trophic resource partitioning of two sympatric batoids co‐inhabiting an estuarine system in southeast Australia
JL Yick, SR Tracey, RWG White
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 27 (5), 1272-1277, 2011
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Articles 1–20