Kai Dieckmann
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Cited by
Two-species mixture of quantum degenerate Bose and Fermi gases
Z Hadzibabic, CA Stan, K Dieckmann, S Gupta, MW Zwierlein, A Görlitz, ...
Physical review letters 88 (16), 160401, 2002
Two-dimensional magneto-optical trap as a source of slow atoms
K Dieckmann, RJC Spreeuw, M Weidemüller, JTM Walraven
Physical Review A 58 (5), 3891, 1998
Radio-frequency spectroscopy of ultracold fermions
S Gupta, Z Hadzibabic, MW Zwierlein, CA Stan, K Dieckmann, ...
Science 300 (5626), 1723-1726, 2003
Quantum degenerate two-species Fermi-Fermi mixture coexisting with a Bose-Einstein condensate
M Taglieber, AC Voigt, T Aoki, TW Hänsch, K Dieckmann
Physical review letters 100 (1), 010401, 2008
Contrast interferometry using Bose-Einstein condensates to measure h/m and α
S Gupta, K Dieckmann, Z Hadzibabic, DE Pritchard
Physical review letters 89 (14), 140401, 2002
Fiftyfold improvement in the number of quantum degenerate fermionic atoms
Z Hadzibabic, S Gupta, CA Stan, CH Schunck, MW Zwierlein, ...
Physical review letters 91 (16), 160401, 2003
Decay of an ultracold fermionic lithium gas near a Feshbach resonance
K Dieckmann, CA Stan, S Gupta, Z Hadzibabic, CH Schunck, W Ketterle
Physical Review Letters 89 (20), 203201, 2002
Erratum: Ultracold Heteronuclear Fermi-Fermi Molecules [Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 020405 (2009)]
AC Voigt, M Taglieber, L Costa, T Aoki, W Wieser, TW Hänsch, ...
Physical Review Letters 105 (26), 269904, 2010
Ultracold heteronuclear fermi-fermi molecules
AC Voigt, M Taglieber, L Costa, T Aoki, W Wieser, TW Hänsch, ...
Physical Review Letters 102 (2), 020405, 2009
Bose-Einstein condensation into nonequilibrium states studied by condensate focusing
I Shvarchuck, C Buggle, DS Petrov, K Dieckmann, M Zielonkowski, ...
Physical review letters 89 (27), 270404, 2002
Diffraction of atoms from a measurement induced grating
S Kunze, K Dieckmann, G Rempe
Physical review letters 78 (11), 2038, 1997
Simultaneous magneto-optical trapping of three atomic species
M Taglieber, AC Voigt, F Henkel, S Fray, TW Hänsch, K Dieckmann
Physical Review A 73 (1), 011402, 2006
Bose-Einstein condensation with high atom number in a deep magnetic trap
K Dieckmann
S-wave interaction in a two-species Fermi-Fermi mixture at a narrow Feshbach resonance
L Costa, J Brachmann, AC Voigt, C Hahn, M Taglieber, TW Hänsch, ...
Physical review letters 105 (12), 123201, 2010
Roadmap on quantum optical systems
R Dumke, Z Lu, J Close, N Robins, A Weis, M Mukherjee, G Birkl, ...
Journal of Optics 18 (9), 093001, 2016
Standing wave diffraction with a beam of slow atoms
S Kunze, S Dürr, K Dieckmann, M Elbs, U Ernst, A Hardell, S Wolf, ...
journal of modern optics 44 (10), 1863-1881, 1997
Broad-area diode-laser system for a rubidium Bose-Einstein condensation experiment
I Shvarchuck, K Dieckmann, M Zielonkowski, JTM Walraven
Applied Physics B 71 (4), 475-480, 2000
Lasers and Optics Broad-area diode-laser system for a rubidium Bose− Einstein
I Shvarchuck, K Dieckmann, M Zielonkowski, JTM Walraven
Two-stage magneto-optical trapping and narrow-line cooling of Li 6 atoms to high phase-space density
J Sebastian, C Gross, K Li, HCJ Gan, W Li, K Dieckmann
Physical Review A 90 (3), 033417, 2014
Dimer, trimer, and Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov liquids in mass-and spin-imbalanced trapped binary mixtures in one dimension
M Dalmonte, K Dieckmann, T Roscilde, C Hartl, AE Feiguin, U Schollwöck, ...
Physical Review A 85 (6), 063608, 2012
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Articles 1–20