Sarthok Sircar
Sarthok Sircar
Associate Professor, IIIT Delhi
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High accuracy schemes for DNS and acoustics
TK Sengupta, SK Sircar, A Dipankar
Journal of Scientific Computing 26, 151-193, 2006
The effect of divalent vs. monovalent ions on the swelling of Mucin-like polyelectrolyte gels: Governing equations and equilibrium analysis
S Sircar, JP Keener, AL Fogelson
The Journal of chemical physics 138 (1), 2013
Kinetics of swelling gels
JP Keener, S Sircar, AL Fogelson
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 71 (3), 854-875, 2011
Steady state solutions of the Smoluchowski equation for rigid nematic polymers under imposed fields
S Sircar, Q Wang, H Zhou
Influence of the standard free energy on swelling kinetics of gels
JP Keener, S Sircar, AL Fogelson
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 83 (4 …, 2011
Monodomain dynamics for rigid rod and platelet suspensions in strongly coupled coplanar linear flow and magnetic fields. II. Kinetic theory
MG Forest, S Sircar, Q Wang, R Zhou
Physics of Fluids 18 (10), 2006
Spatiotemporal linear stability of viscoelastic free shear flows: Dilute regime
S Sircar, D Bansal
Physics of Fluids 31 (8), 2019
Biaxial phases of bent-core liquid crystal polymers in shear flows
S Sircar, J Li, Q Wang
Comm. Math. Sci. 8 (3), 697-720, 2010
Impact of flow on ligand-mediated bacterial flocculation
S Sircar, DM Bortz
Mathematical biosciences 245 (2), 314-321, 2013
Dynamics and rheology of biaxial liquid crystal polymers in shear flows
S Sircar, Q Wang
Journal of Rheology 53 (4), 819-858, 2009
Sticky surface: sphere–sphere adhesion dynamics
S Sircar, JG Younger, DM Bortz
Journal of biological dynamics 9 (sup1), 79-89, 2015
Ion mediated crosslink driven mucous swelling kinetics
S Sircar, AJ Roberts
arXiv preprint arXiv:1501.05003, 2015
Shear-induced mesostructures in biaxial liquid crystals
S Sircar, Q Wang
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 78 (6 …, 2008
Surface deformation and shear flow in ligand mediated cell adhesion
S Sircar, AJ Roberts
Journal of mathematical biology 73 (4), 1035-1052, 2016
Spatiotemporal linear stability of viscoelastic free shear flows: Nonaffine response regime
D Bansal, D Ghosh, S Sircar
Physics of Fluids 33 (5), 2021
Determining equilibrium osmolarity in poly (ethylene glycol)/chondrotin sulfate gels mimicking articular cartilage
S Sircar, E Aisenbrey, SJ Bryant, DM Bortz
Journal of theoretical biology 364, 397-406, 2015
Transient rheological responses in sheared biaxial liquid crystals
S Sircar, Q Wang
Rheologica acta 49, 699-717, 2010
Implicit-explicit-compact methods for advection diffusion reaction equations
S Singh, D Bansal, G Kaur, S Sircar
Computers & Fluids 212, 104709, 2020
Spatiotemporal linear stability of viscoelastic Saffman–Taylor flows
D Bansal, T Chauhan, S Sircar
Physics of Fluids 34 (10), 2022
Ligand-mediated adhesive mechanics of two static, deformed spheres
S Sircar, G Nguyen, A Kotousov, AJ Roberts
The European Physical Journal E 39, 1-9, 2016
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Articles 1–20