Deirdre O'Donnell
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Cited by
Enabling public, patient and practitioner involvement in co-designing frailty pathways in the acute care setting
D O’Donnell, É Ní Shé, M McCarthy, S Thornton, T Doran, F Smith, ...
BMC health services research 19, 1-11, 2019
What are the mechanisms that support healthcare professionals to adopt assisted decision-making practice? A rapid realist review
C Davies, F Fattori, D O’Donnell, S Donnelly, É Ní Shé, M O. Shea, ...
BMC health services research 19, 1-14, 2019
New ways of working? A rapid exploration of emerging evidence regarding the care of older people during COVID19
É Ní Shé, D O’Donnell, M O’Shea, D Stokes
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (18), 6442, 2020
Minding the gap: identifying values to enable public and patient involvement at the pre-commencement stage of research projects
É Ní Shé, J Cassidy, C Davies, A De Brún, S Donnelly, E Dorris, N Dunne, ...
Research Involvement and Engagement 6, 1-10, 2020
Interventions and services which address elder abuse: An integrated review
D O’Donnell, A Phelan, G Fealy
NCPOP University College Dublin, 2015
Assisted decision-making and interprofessional collaboration in the care of older people: a qualitative study exploring perceptions of barriers and facilitators in the acute …
S Donnelly, D Ó Coimín, D O’Donnell, É Ní Shé, C Davies, L Christophers, ...
Journal of Interprofessional Care 35 (6), 852-862, 2021
Person-centred nursing education
D O’Donnell, N Cook, P Black
Person-centred practice in nursing and health care: theory and practice, 99-117, 2016
“What bothers me most is the disparity between the choices that people have or don’t have”: A qualitative study on the health systems responsiveness to implementing the …
É Ní Shé, D O’Donnell, S Donnelly, C Davies, F Fattori, T Kroll
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (9), 3294, 2020
The case management approach to protecting older people from abuse and mistreatment: Lessons from the Irish experience
D O'Donnell, MP Treacy, G Fealy, I Lyons, A Lafferty
The British Journal of Social Work 45 (5), 1451-1468, 2015
Promoting assisted decision-making in acute care settings for care planning purposes: Study protocol
D O'Donnell, É Ní Shé, C Davies, S Donnelly, T Cooney, D O'Coimin, ...
HRB Open Research 1, 2, 2018
A meta-synthesis of person-centredness in nursing curricula
D O’Donnell, B McCormack, T McCance, S McIlfatrick
Financial abuse of older people by third parties in banking institutions: a qualitative exploration
A Phelan, D O'Donnell, S McCarthy
Ageing & Society 43 (9), 2135-2156, 2023
Managing elder abuse in Ireland: The senior case worker’s experience
D O’Donnell, MP Treacy, G Fealy, I Lyons, A Phelan, A Lafferty, J Drennan, ...
Dublin, Ireland, NCPOP, University College Dublin, 2012
Comparison of response amplitude operator curve generation methods for scaled floating renewable energy platforms in ocean wave basin
D O’Donnell, J Murphy, V Pakrashi
ASME Letters in Dynamic Systems and Control 1 (2), 021012, 2021
The systematic approach to improving care for Frail Older Patients (SAFE) study: a protocol for co-designing a frail older person’s pathway
ÉN Shé, M McCarthy, D O'Donnell, O Collins, G Hughes, N Salter, ...
HRB Open Research 1, 9, 2018
What are the mechanisms that enable the reciprocal involvement of seldom heard groups in health and social care research? A rapid realist review protocol
É Ní Shé, C Davies, C Blake, R Crowley, A McCann, B Fullen, ...
HRB Open Research 1, 7, 2018
The Person-centred Curriculum Framework: a universal curriculum framework for person-centred healthcare practitioner education
NF Cook, D Brown, D O'donnell, T McCance, C Dickson, S Tønnesen, ...
International Practice Development Journal 12 (4), 1-11, 2022
Developing a Person-centred Curriculum Framework: a whole-systems methodology
B McCormack, R Magowan, D O'Donnell, A Phelan, G Stiglic, ...
International Practice Development Journal 12 (2), 1-11, 2022
The development and validation of the Person-centred Practice Inventory-Student instrument: A modified Delphi study
D O'Donnell, P Slater, T McCance, B McCormack, S McIlfatrick
Nurse Education Today 100, 104826, 2021
Person-centred nursing education. Chp 7 in McCormack, B. and McCance, T.(Eds.)(2017) Person-centred Pracfice in Nursing and Healthcare: Theory and Pracfice
D O’Donnell, N Cook, P Black
Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2017
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Articles 1–20