Articles with public access mandates - Federico BriganteLearn more
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Defatted chia flour as functional ingredient in sweet cookies. How do Processing, simulated gastrointestinal digestion and colonic fermentation affect its antioxidant properties?
AL Mas, FI Brigante, E Salvucci, NB Pigni, ML Martinez, P Ribotta, ...
Food Chemistry 316, 126279, 2020
Mandates: Government of Argentina
Targeted metabolomics to assess the authenticity of bakery products containing chia, sesame and flax seeds
FI Brigante, AL Mas, NB Pigni, DA Wunderlin, MV Baroni
Food chemistry 312, 126059, 2020
Mandates: Government of Argentina
Novel cookie formulation with defatted sesame flour: Evaluation of its technological and sensory properties. Changes in phenolic profile, antioxidant activity, and gut …
AL Mas, FI Brigante, E Salvucci, P Ribotta, ML Martinez, DA Wunderlin, ...
Food Chemistry 389, 133122, 2022
Mandates: Government of Argentina
Comparative metabolite fingerprinting of chia, flax and sesame seeds using LC-MS untargeted metabolomics
FI Brigante, NS Podio, DA Wunderlin, MV Baroni
Food Chemistry 371, 131355, 2022
Mandates: Government of Argentina
Authenticity assessment of commercial bakery products with chia, flax and sesame seeds: Application of targeted and untargeted metabolomics results from seeds and lab-scale cookies
FI Brigante, AL Mas, A Erban, I Fehrle, F Martinez-Seidel, J Kopka, ...
Food Control 140, 109114, 2022
Mandates: Government of Argentina
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Photoinduced synthesis of dibenzofurans: Intramolecular and intermolecular comparative methodologies
P Camargo Solorzano, F Brigante, AB Pierini, LB Jimenez
The Journal of Organic Chemistry 83 (15), 7867-7877, 2018
Mandates: Government of Argentina
Identification of chia, flax and sesame seeds authenticity markers by NMR-based untargeted metabolomics and their validation in bakery products containing them
FI Brigante, ME García, AL Radcenco, G Moyna, DA Wunderlin, ...
Food Chemistry 387, 132925, 2022
Mandates: US Department of Defense, Government of Argentina
Photoinduced nucleophilic substitution of iodocubanes with arylthiolate and diphenylphosphanide ions. Experimental and computational approaches
LB Jimenez, M Puiatti, DM Andrada, F Brigante, KFC Andrada, RA Rossi, ...
RSC advances 8 (69), 39222-39230, 2018
Mandates: Government of Argentina
Authentication of premium Asian rice varieties: Stable isotope ratios and multi-elemental content for the identification of geographic fingerprints
Z Giannioti, FI Brigante, S Kelly, N Ogrinc, MJ Hudobivnik, D Mazej, ...
LWT 209, 116752, 2024
Mandates: European Commission
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