Sarah Aerni
Cited by
Cited by
Analysis of cell fate from single-cell gene expression profiles in C. elegans
X Liu, F Long, H Peng, SJ Aerni, M Jiang, A Sanchez-Blanco, JI Murray, ...
Cell 139 (3), 623-633, 2009
Reconstructing cancer genomes from paired-end sequencing data
L Oesper, A Ritz, SJ Aerni, R Drebin, BJ Raphael
BMC bioinformatics 13, 1-13, 2012
A sequence-based survey of the complex structural organization of tumor genomes
BJ Raphael, S Volik, P Yu, C Wu, G Huang, EV Linardopoulou, BJ Trask, ...
Genome biology 9, 1-17, 2008
Computational identification of CDR3 sequence archetypes among immunoglobulin sequences in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
BT Messmer, BJ Raphael, SJ Aerni, GF Widhopf, LZ Rassenti, JG Gribben, ...
Leukemia research 33 (3), 368-376, 2009
Reconstruction of genealogical relationships with applications to Phase III of HapMap
S Kyriazopoulou-Panagiotopoulou, D Kashef Haghighi, SJ Aerni, ...
Bioinformatics 27 (13), i333-i341, 2011
Automated cellular annotation for high-resolution images of adult Caenorhabditis elegans
SJ Aerni, X Liu, CB Do, SS Gross, A Nguyen, SD Guo, F Long, H Peng, ...
Bioinformatics 29 (13), i18-i26, 2013
Element identification in database
AK Crow, SJ Aerni, H Emir-Farinas, GS Muralidhar, R Radhakrishnan
US Patent 9,569,464, 2017
Digital drivers in the age of massive datasets
S Aerni, H Farinas, G Muralidhar
XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students 21 (4), 60-66, 2015
In-database single-nucleotide genetic variant analysis
SJ Aerni, NL Sio
US Patent 9,594,777, 2017
10 years of the international conference on research in computational molecular biology (RECOMB)
SJ Aerni, E Eskin
Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular …, 2006
Rapid processing of biological sequence data
SJ Aerni, M Micsinai
US Patent 9,703,925, 2017
Single-Cell Gene Expression Analysis in C. elegans
SJ Aerni
Stanford University, 2012
A sequence-based survey of the complex structural organization of tumor genomes
C Collins, BJ Raphael, S Volik, P Yu, C Wu, G Huang, EV Linardopoulou, ...
Genome Biology 9 (LBNL-195E), 2008
A Bioinformatic Approach to CLL IGHV Sequence Analysis Identifies Extensive Ig Sequence Archetypes among BothMutated and Unmutated Sequences.
BT Messmer, BJ Raphael, SJ Aerni, GF Widhopf, LZ Rassenti, TL Toy, ...
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 106 (11), 176-176, 2005
Prognostic factors and pathogenesis
A Janssens, N Van Roy, L Noens, F Speleman, F Offner, BT Messmer, ...
Leukemia & Lymphoma 46 (1), S17, 2005
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Articles 1–15