GE Swaters
GE Swaters
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On the baroclinic instability of cold-core coupled density fronts on a sloping continental shelf
GE Swaters
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 224, 361-382, 1991
Introduction to Hamiltonian fluid dynamics and stability theory
GE Swaters
chapman and Hall/CRC, 2019
The source area influencing a measurement in the planetary boundary layer: The “footprint” and the “distribution of contact distance”
JD Wilson, GE Swaters
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 55, 25-46, 1991
Dynamics of ventilated coherent cold eddies on a sloping bottom
GE Swaters, GR Flierl
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 223, 565-587, 1991
Gravity currents produced by sudden release of a fixed volume of heavy fluid
SJD D'alessio, TB Moodie, JP Pascal, GE Swaters
Studies in Applied Mathematics 96 (4), 359-385, 1996
Stability conditions and a priori estimates for equivalent-barotropic modons
GE Swatersº
Tellus 5, 225, 1953
Numerical simulations of the baroclinic dynamics of density‐driven coupled fronts and eddies on a sloping bottom
GE Swaters
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 103 (C2), 2945-2961, 1998
Topographically-Induced Baroclinic Eddies near a Coastline, with Application to he Northeast Pacific
GE Swaters, LA Mysak
Journal of physical oceanography 15 (11), 1470-1485, 1985
Finite-amplitude baroclinic instability of a mesoscale gravity current in a channel
CJ Mooney, GE Swaters
Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 82 (3-4), 173-205, 1996
Shear instabilities in arrested salt-wedge flows
N Yonemitsu, GE Swaters, N Rajaratnam, GA Lawrence
Dynamics of atmospheres and oceans 24 (1-4), 173-182, 1996
A perturbation analysis of turbulent flow through a porous barrier
JD Wilson, GE Swaters, F Ustina
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 116 (494), 989-1004, 1990
On the baroclinic dynamics, Hamiltonian formulation and general stability characteristics of density-driven surface currents and fronts over a sloping continental shelf
GE Swaters
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A …, 1993
Instability of abyssal currents in a continuously stratified ocean with bottom topography
MK Reszka, GE Swaters, BR Sutherland
Journal of physical oceanography 32 (12), 3528-3550, 2002
Stability characteristics of deep-water replacement in the Strait of Georgia
RH Karsten, GE Swaters, RE Thomson
Journal of physical oceanography 25 (10), 2391-2403, 1995
Nonlinear stability of intermediate baroclinic flow on a sloping bottom
GE Swaters
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical and …, 1993
Barotropic modon propagation over slowly varying topography
GE Swaters
Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 36 (2), 85-113, 1986
Sediment transport and deposition from a two‐layer fluid model of gravity currents on sloping bottoms
TB Moodie, JP Pascal, GE Swaters
Studies in Applied Mathematics 100 (3), 215-244, 1998
Eddy formation and interaction in a baroclinic frontal geostrophic model
MK Reszka, GE Swaters
Journal of physical oceanography 29 (12), 3025-3042, 1999
Geostrophic scatter diagrams and the application of quasigeostrophic free-mode theory to a northeast Pacific blocking episode
NR Ek, GE Swaters
Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 51 (4), 563-581, 1994
Sub-inertial dynamics of density-driven flows in a continuously stratified fluid on a sloping bottom. I. Model derivation and stability characteristics
FJ Poulin, GE Swaters
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical …, 1999
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Articles 1–20