Cong Chen
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Cited by
Fructose consumption does not worsen bone deficits resulting from high-fat feeding in young male rats
JF Yarrow, HZ Toklu, A Balaez, EG Phillips, DM Otzel, C Chen, ...
Bone 85, 99-106, 2016
Impact of body mass index on biomechanics of recreational runners
HK Vincent, JE Kilgore III, C Chen, M Bruner, MB Horodyski, KR Vincent
PM&R 12 (11), 1106-1112, 2020
Bone loss in a new rodent model combining spinal cord injury and cast immobilization
JF Yarrow, F Ye, A Balaez, JM Mantione, DM Otzel, C Chen, LA Beggs, ...
Journal of musculoskeletal & neuronal interactions 14 (3), 255, 2014
Longitudinal examination of bone loss in male rats after moderate–severe contusion spinal cord injury
DM Otzel, CF Conover, F Ye, EG Phillips, T Bassett, RD Wnek, M Flores, ...
Calcified tissue international 104, 79-91, 2019
Testosterone plus finasteride prevents bone loss without prostate growth in a rodent spinal cord injury model
JF Yarrow, EG Phillips, CF Conover, TE Bassett, C Chen, T Teurlings, ...
Journal of neurotrauma 34 (21), 2972-2981, 2017
Locomotor training with adjuvant testosterone preserves cancellous bone and promotes muscle plasticity in male rats after severe spinal cord injury
JF Yarrow, HJ Kok, EG Phillips, CF Conover, J Lee, TE Bassett, ...
Journal of neuroscience research 98 (5), 843-868, 2020
Setting standards for medically-based running analysis
HK Vincent, DC Herman, L Lear-Barnes, R Barnes, C Chen, S Greenberg, ...
Current sports medicine reports 13 (4), 275-283, 2014
The relationships of kinesiophobia and physical function and physical activity level in juvenile idiopathic arthritis
LU Woolnough, L Lentini, S Sharififar, C Chen, HK Vincent
Pediatric Rheumatology 20 (1), 73, 2022
Shooting motion in high school, collegiate, and professional men’s lacrosse players
HK Vincent, C Chen, LA Zdziarski, J Montes, KR Vincent
Sports biomechanics 14 (4), 448-458, 2015
Cadence impact on cardiopulmonary, metabolic and biomechanical loading during downhill running
HK Vincent, C Massengill, A Harris, C Chen, JG Wasser, M Bruner, ...
Gait & Posture 71, 186-191, 2019
Kinematics of shooting in high school and collegiate lacrosse players with and without low back pain
JG Wasser, C Chen, HK Vincent
Orthopaedic journal of sports medicine 4 (7), 2325967116657535, 2016
Kinematic, cardiopulmonary, and metabolic responses of overweight runners while running at self-selected and standardized speeds
LA Zdziarski, C Chen, M Horodyski, KR Vincent, HK Vincent
PM&R 8 (2), 152-160, 2016
Biomechanical, metabolic and cardiopulmonary responses of masters recreational runners during running at different speeds
H Hahn, KR Vincent, DC Herman, C Chen, LA Zdziarski, C Morgan, ...
Research in Sports Medicine 25 (2), 118-131, 2017
Running mechanics and metabolic responses with water bottles and bottle belt holders
HK Vincent, LA Zdziarski, K Fallgatter, G Negron, C Chen, T Leavitt, ...
International journal of sports physiology and performance 13 (8), 977-985, 2018
Metabolic, cardiopulmonary, and gait profiles of recently injured and noninjured runners
L Peng, AN Seay, C Montero, LL Barnes, KR Vincent, BP Conrad, C Chen, ...
PM&R 7 (1), 26-33, 2015
Gait parameters, functional performance and physical activity in active and inactive Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
HK Vincent, S Sharififar, B Abdelmalik, L Lentini, C Chen, LU Woolnough
Gait & Posture 98, 226-232, 2022
Kinematics of Overhead Throwing Motions in Professional Lacrosse and Baseball Players: 3506 Board# 267 May 30, 9: 30 AM-11: 00 AM
JG Wasser, C Chen, LA Zdziarski, HK Vincent
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 47 (5S), 952, 2015
Sex Differences in Pelvic and Trunk Rotation During a Lacrosse Throw: 2708 May 30, 115 PM-130 PM
LA Zdziarski, C Chen, CD Slater, KR Vincent, C Montero, H Vincent
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 46 (5S), 727, 2014
Quantification of equine stifle passive kinematics
H He, LS Palm-Vlasak, C Chen, SA Banks, AH Biedrzycki
American Journal of Veterinary Research 84 (2), 2023
Kinematic differences in shooting motion in professional lacrosse players: key anatomical sites for high stress risk
HK Vincent, T Leavitt, JG Wasser, C Chen
Med. Sci. Sports Exerc 49 (5), S279, 2017
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