Chris Tanner
Chris Tanner
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Cited by
Plants for constructed wetland treatment systems—a comparison of the growth and nutrient uptake of eight emergent species
CC Tanner
Ecological engineering 7 (1), 59-83, 1996
Plants as ecosystem engineers in subsurface-flow treatment wetlands
CC Tanner
Water Science and Technology 44 (11-12), 9-17, 2001
Components of floating emergent macrophyte treatment wetlands influencing removal of stormwater pollutants
CC Tanner, TR Headley
Ecological Engineering 37 (3), 474-486, 2011
Effect of loading rate and planting on treatment of dairy farm wastewaters in constructed wetlands—II. Removal of nitrogen and phosphorus
CC Tanner, JS Clayton, MP Upsdell
Water research 29 (1), 27-34, 1995
Constructed wetlands with floating emergent macrophytes: an innovative stormwater treatment technology
TR Headley, CC Tanner
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 42 (21), 2261-2310, 2012
Nitrogen processing gradients in subsurface-flow treatment wetlands—influence of wastewater characteristics
CC Tanner, RH Kadlec, MM Gibbs, JPS Sukias, ML Nguyen
Ecological engineering 18 (4), 499-520, 2002
Ammonium removal from wastewaters using natural New Zealand zeolites
ML Nguyen, CC Tanner
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 41 (3), 427-446, 1998
Effect of loading rate and planting on treatment of dairy farm wastewaters in constructed wetlands—I. Removal of oxygen demand, suspended solids and faecal coliforms
CC Tanner, JS Clayton, MP Upsdell
Water Research 29 (1), 17-26, 1995
Organic matter accumulation during maturation of gravel-bed constructed wetlands treating farm dairy wastewaters
CC Tanner, JPS Sukias, MP Upsdell
Water research 32 (10), 3046-3054, 1998
Accumulation of organic solids in gravel-bed constructed wetlands
CC Tanner, JP Sukias
Water Science and Technology 32 (3), 229-239, 1995
Nutrient removal by a constructed wetland treating subsurface drainage from grazed dairy pasture
CC Tanner, ML Nguyen, JPS Sukias
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 105 (1-2), 145-162, 2005
Effect of water level fluctuation on nitrogen removal from constructed wetland mesocosms
CC Tanner, J D'Eugenio, GB McBride, JPS Sukias, K Thompson
Ecological Engineering 12 (1-2), 67-92, 1999
Seasonality of macrophytes and interaction with flow in a New Zealand lowland stream
PD Champion, CC Tanner
Hydrobiologia 441, 1-12, 2000
Floating treatment wetland retrofit to improve stormwater pond performance for suspended solids, copper and zinc
KE Borne, EA Fassman, CC Tanner
Ecological Engineering 54, 173-182, 2013
Substrate and filter materials to enhance phosphorus removal in constructed wetlands treating diffuse farm runoff: a review
DJ Ballantine, CC Tanner
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 53 (1), 71-95, 2010
Application of floating wetlands for enhanced stormwater treatment: a review
TR Headley, CC Tanner
ARC Technical Publication # 324, Auckland Regional Council, New Zealand, 2006
Constructed wetlands and denitrifying bioreactors for on-site and decentralised wastewater treatment: comparison of five alternative configurations
CC Tanner, JPS Sukias, TR Headley, CR Yates, R Stott
Ecological Engineering 42, 112-123, 2012
Growth and nutrient dynamics of soft-stem bulrush in constructed wetlands treating nutrient-rich wastewaters
CC Tanner
Wetlands Ecology and Management 9, 49-73, 2001
Nitrogen spiraling in subsurface-flow constructed wetlands: Implications for treatment response
RH Kadlec, CC Tanner, VM Hally, MM Gibbs
Ecological Engineering 25 (4), 365-381, 2005
Substratum phosphorus accumulation during maturation of gravel-bed constructed wetlands
CC Tanner, JPS Sukias, MP Upsdell
Water Science and Technology 40 (3), 147-154, 1999
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