Prof. Dr. Teshome Soromessa
Cited by
Cited by
Method for conducting systematic literature review and meta-analysis for environmental science research
W Mengist, T Soromessa, G Legese
MethodsX 7, 100777, 2020
Ecosystem services research in mountainous regions: A systematic literature review on current knowledge and research gaps
W Mengist, T Soromessa, G Legese
Science of the Total Environment 702, 134581, 2020
Land use/land cover change effect on soil erosion and sediment delivery in the Winike watershed, Omo Gibe Basin, Ethiopia
AB Aneseyee, E Elias, T Soromessa, GL Feyisa
Science of the Total Environment 728, 138776, 2020
The InVEST habitat quality model associated with land use/cover changes: A qualitative case study of the Winike Watershed in the Omo-Gibe Basin, Southwest Ethiopia
A Berta Aneseyee, T Noszczyk, T Soromessa, E Elias
Remote Sensing 12 (7), 1103, 2020
Land use and land cover change in the bale mountain eco-region of Ethiopia during 1985 to 2015
SN Hailemariam, T Soromessa, D Teketay
Land 5 (4), 41, 2016
Spatio-temporal changes in habitat quality and linkage with landscape characteristics in the Beressa watershed, Blue Nile basin of Ethiopian highlands
H Yohannes, T Soromessa, M Argaw, A Dewan
Journal of Environmental Management 281, 111885, 2021
Impact of landscape pattern changes on hydrological ecosystem services in the Beressa watershed of the Blue Nile Basin in Ethiopia
H Yohannes, T Soromessa, M Argaw, A Dewan
Science of the Total Environment 793, 148559, 2021
The current status, challenges and prospects of using biomass energy in Ethiopia
NE Benti, GS Gurmesa, T Argaw, AB Aneseyee, S Gunta, GB Kassahun, ...
Biotechnology for Biofuels 14, 1-24, 2021
Ecological study of the vegetation in Gamo Gofa zone, southern Ethiopia
T Soromessa, D Teketay, S Demissew
Tropical Ecology 45 (2), 209-222, 2004
Method for conducting systematic literature review and meta-analysis for environmental science research. MethodsX, 7, 100777
W Mengist, T Soromessa, G Legese
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the importance of urban green spaces to the public
T Noszczyk, J Gorzelany, A Kukulska-Kozieł, J Hernik
Land use policy 113, 105925, 2022
Forests in the vegetation types of Ethiopia and their status in the geographical context
Z Woldu, S Edward, A Demissie, T Bekele, G Haase
A new map of standardized terrestrial ecosystems of Africa
RG Sayre, P Comer, J Hak, C Josse, J Bow, H Warner, M Larwanou, ...
African Geographical Review, 2013
Forest carbon stocks and variations along altitudinal gradients in Egdu Forest: Implications of managing forests for climate change mitigation
A Feyissa, T Soromessa, M Argaw
Science, Technology and Arts Research Journal 2 (4), 40-46, 2013
An ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants of the Kembatta ethnic group in Enset-based agricultural landscape of Kembatta Tembaro (KT) Zone, Southern Ethiopia
M Maryo, S Nemomissa, T Bekele
Asian J Plant Sci Res 5 (7), 42-61, 2015
Landscape change effects on habitat quality in a forest biosphere reserve: Implications for the conservation of native habitats
W Mengist, T Soromessa, GL Feyisa
Journal of Cleaner Production 329, 129778, 2021
High aboveground carbon stock of African tropical montane forests
A Cuni-Sanchez, MJP Sullivan, PJ Platts, SL Lewis, R Marchant, G Imani, ...
Nature 596 (7873), 536-542, 2021
Allometric equations for aboveground biomass estimation of Olea europaea L. subsp. cuspidata in Mana Angetu Forest
B Kebede, T Soromessa
Ecosystem Health and Sustainability 4 (1), 1-12, 2018
Assessment of potentially toxic trace elements contamination in groundwater resources of the coal mining area of the Korba Coalfield, Central India
R Singh, AS Venkatesh, TH Syed, AGS Reddy, M Kumar, RM Kurakalva
Environmental Earth Sciences 76, 1-17, 2017
A review of Ethiopian agriculture: roles, policy and small-scale farming systems
A Gebre-Selassie, T Bekele
C. Bell & J. Prammer (Researchers), C. Eder, D. Kyd-Rebenburg, & J. Prammer …, 2012
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Articles 1–20