Regina (Gina) C. McNally
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Cited by
Product innovativeness dimensions and their relationships with product advantage, product financial performance, and project protocol
RC McNally, E Cavusgil, RJ Calantone
Journal of Product Innovation Management 27 (7), 991-1006, 2010
New product development processes and new product profitability: Exploring the mediating role of speed to market and product quality
RC McNally, MB Akdeniz, RJ Calantone
Journal of Product Innovation Management 28 (s1), 63-77, 2011
Structural social capital evolution and knowledge transfer: Evidence from an Irish pharmaceutical network
R Filieri, RC McNally, M O'Dwyer, L O'Malley
Industrial Marketing Management 43 (3), 429-440, 2014
Your new product development (NPD) is only as good as your process: an exploratory analysis of new NPD process design and implementation
N Harmancioglu, RC McNally, RJ Calantone, SS Durmusoglu
R&d Management 37 (5), 399-424, 2007
Exploring new product portfolio management decisions: The role of managers' dispositional traits
RC McNally, SS Durmusoglu, RJ Calantone, N Harmancioglu
Industrial Marketing Management 38 (1), 127-143, 2009
Application of the extended theory of planned behavior to intention to travel to Japan among Taiwanese youth: Investigating the moderating effect of past visit experience
CM Hsieh, SH Park, R McNally
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 33 (5), 717-729, 2016
New product portfolio management decisions: antecedents and consequences
RC McNally, SS Durmuşoğlu, RJ Calantone
Journal of Product Innovation Management 30 (2), 245-261, 2013
Executive insights: Global account management capability: Insights from leading suppliers
LH Shi, S Zou, JC White, RC McNally, ST Cavusgil
Journal of International Marketing 13 (2), 93-113, 2005
Evaluation criteria development and assessment of purchasing and supply management journals
GA Zsidisin, ME Smith, RC McNally, TJ Kull
Journal of Operations Management 25 (1), 165-183, 2007
Firm and individual choice drivers in make‐or‐buy decisions: a diminishing role for transaction cost economics?
RC McNally, A Griffin
Journal of Supply Chain Management 40 (4), 4-17, 2004
The role of social capital and culture on social decision-making constraints: A multilevel investigation
Z Wang, R McNally, H Lenihan
European Management Journal 37 (2), 222-232, 2019
An exploration of call centre agents' CRM software use, customer orientation and job performance in the customer relationship maintenance phase
RC McNally
Journal of Financial Services Marketing 12 (2), 169-184, 2007
Motivations and marketing drivers of Taiwanese island tourists: Comparing across Penghu, Taiwan and Phuket, Thailand
SH Park, CM Hsieh, R McNally
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 15 (3), 305-317, 2010
A measure and initial test of managers’ perceptions of relationship marketing in inter-organizational exchanges
RC McNally, A Griffin
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 35, 382-397, 2007
From the Special Issue Editors: An Introduction to the Special Issue on Decision Making in New Product Development and Innovation.
RC McNally, JB Schmidt
Journal of Product Innovation Management 28 (5), 2011
Identity, collaboration and radical innovation: The role of dual organisation identification
L O'Malley, M O'Dwyer, RC McNally, S Murphy
Industrial Marketing Management 43 (8), 1335-1342, 2014
The institutionalization of relationship marketing
R Mcnally
American Marketing Association. Conference Proceedings 13, 179, 2002
Ordered to innovate: A longitudinal examination of the early periods of a new product development process implementation in a manufacturing firm
SS Durmuşoğlu, RJ Calantone, RC McNally
Journal of Product Innovation Management 30 (4), 712-731, 2013
Insights into the creation of a successful MNE innovation cluster
M O'Dwyer, L O'Malley, S Murphy, RC McNally
Competitiveness Review 25 (3), 288-309, 2015
Simulating buying center decision processes: propositions and methodology
R McNally
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 17 (2/3), 167-180, 2002
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Articles 1–20