Ghasem Ahmadi
Ghasem Ahmadi
Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
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Cited by
Designing and Implementation of Stable Sinusoidal Rough-Neural Identifier
G Ahmadi, M Teshnehlab
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 28 (8), 1774 - 1786, 2017
Identification of multiple input-multiple output non-linear system cement rotary kiln using stochastic gradient-based rough-neural network
G Ahmadi, M Teshnelab
Journal of AI and Data Mining 8 (3), 417-425, 2020
Stable rough extreme learning machines for the identification of uncertain continuous-time nonlinear systems
G Ahmadi
Control and Optimization in Applied Mathematics 4 (1), 83-101, 2019
A Higher Order Online Lyapunov-Based Emotional Learning for Rough-Neural Identifiers
G Ahmadi, M Teshnehlab, F Soltanian
Control and Optimization in applied Mathematics 3 (1), 87-108, 2018
Identification of discrete dynamic nonlinear systems using stable sinusoidal rough-neural networks with online emotional learning
FS Ghasem Ahmadi, Mohammad Teshnehlab
6th Iranian Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, Kerman, 20-26, 2018
Chaotic time series prediction using rough-neural networks
G Ahmadi, M Dehghandar
Mathematics Interdisciplinary Research 8 (2), 71-92, 2023
Designing a Fuzzy Expert System for Diagnosis and Prediction of Metabolic Syndrome in Children and Adolescents
M Dehghandar, G Ahmadi, H AghebatbeenMonfared
Health Management & Information Science 8 (2), 79-89, 2021
System identification using rough extreme learning machines
G Ahmadi, M Teshnehlab
9th National Conference of Mathematics of Payame Noor University, Kerman …, 2017
Solving linear semi-infinite programming problems using recurrent neural networks
A Malek, G Ahmadi, SM Mirhoseini Alizamini
Control and Optimization in Applied Mathematics 1 (1), 55-67, 2016
A new hybrid method of dynamic mode decomposition and long short-term memory for financial market forecasting
R Karimkhani, Y Edrisi Tabriz, G Ahmadi
Journal of Mathematics and Modeling in Finance 3 (2), 1-17, 2023
Optimal Control of Infectious Diseases Using the Artificial Neural Networks
R Heydari Dastjerdi, G Ahmadi, M Dadkhah, A Yari
Control and Optimization in Applied Mathematics 8 (2), 17-32, 2023
Application of Pontryagin's Minimum Principle in the Artificial Neural Network to Reduce the COVID-19 Pandemic Effects
R Heydari Dastjerdi, G Ahmadi, A Yari, M Dadkhah
Health Management & Information Science 9 (4), 219-228, 2022
Stochastic gradient-based hyperbolic orthogonal neural networks for nonlinear dynamic systems identification
G Ahmadi
Journal of Mathematical Modeling 10 (3), 529-547, 2022
Mackey-glass time series prediction using rough-neural networks
G Ahmadi, M Dehghandar
Proceedings of the 51th annual iranian mathematics conference, Kashan, 1243-1248, 2021
A recurrent neural Network Model for solving linear semidefinite programming
SM Mirhosseini Alizamini, A Malek, G Ahmadi
Caspian Journal of Mathematical Sciences 4 (2), 205-213, 2015
Using a modified Sinc neural network to identify the chaotic systems with an application in wind speed forecasting.
G Ahmadi
Journal of Mathematical Modeling (JMM) 12 (4), 2024
Designing the sinc neural networks to solve the fractional optimal control problem
R Heydari Dastjerdi, G Ahmadi
Iranian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Optimization 14 (4), 1016-1036, 2024
Investigating air pollutants in Lorestan province and predicting their concentration using multi-layer neural network with stable online training (case studies: Khorramabad and …
G Ahmadi, Z Akbari
Nivar 48 (126-127), 109-126, 2024
The Reciprocal Relationship Between Muslims and Zoroastrians During the Rashidun Caliphate
G Ahmadi, F Lajevardi, M Adli
Journal of Social-Political Studies of Iran's Culture and History 2 (1), 341-380, 2023
Design of a Fuzzy System Based on Lookup Table for Diagnosis and Predicting of Metabolic Syndrome in Preschoolers‎,‎ Children‎,‎ and Adolescents
M Dehghandar, G Ahmadi, H Aghebatbeen Monfared
Control and Optimization in Applied Mathematics 6 (1), 61-80, 2021
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Articles 1–20