Jes L. Matsick
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Cited by
The fewer the merrier?: Assessing stigma surrounding consensually non‐monogamous romantic relationships
TD Conley, AC Moors, JL Matsick, A Ziegler
Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy 13 (1), 1-30, 2013
A critical examination of popular assumptions about the benefits and outcomes of monogamous relationships
TD Conley, A Ziegler, AC Moors, JL Matsick, B Valentine
Personality and Social Psychology Review 17 (2), 124-141, 2013
Investigation of consensually nonmonogamous relationships: Theories, methods, and new directions
TD Conley, JL Matsick, AC Moors, A Ziegler
Perspectives on Psychological Science 12 (2), 205-232, 2017
Love and sex: Polyamorous relationships are perceived more favourably than swinging and open relationships
JL Matsick, TD Conley, A Ziegler, AC Moors, JD Rubin
Psychology & Sexuality 5 (4), 339-348, 2014
On the margins: Considering diversity among consensually non-monogamous relationships
JD Rubin, AC Moors, JL Matsick, A Ziegler, TD Conley
Stigma toward individuals engaged in consensual nonmonogamy: Robust and worthy of additional research
AC Moors, JL Matsick, A Ziegler, JD Rubin, TD Conley
Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy 13 (1), 52-69, 2013
Unique and shared relationship benefits of consensually non-monogamous and monogamous relationships
AC Moors, JL Matsick, HA Schechinger
European Psychologist, 2017
Women, men, and the bedroom: Methodological and conceptual insights that narrow, reframe, and eliminate gender differences in sexuality
TD Conley, AC Moors, JL Matsick, A Ziegler, BA Valentine
Current Directions in Psychological Science 20 (5), 296-300, 2011
Bisexual prejudice among lesbian and gay people: examining the roles of gender and perceived sexual orientation.
JL Matsick, JD Rubin
Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity 5 (2), 143, 2018
It’s not just a gay male thing: Sexual minority women and men are equally attracted to consensual non-monogamy
AC Moors, JD Rubin, JL Matsick, A Ziegler, TD Conley
Journal für Psychologie 22 (1), 2014
Re-examining the effectiveness of monogamy as an STI-preventive strategy
TD Conley, JL Matsick, AC Moors, A Ziegler, JD Rubin
Preventive medicine 78, 23-28, 2015
Carving sexuality at its joints: Defining sexual orientation in research and clinical practice.
AC Salomaa, JL Matsick
Psychological assessment 31 (2), 167, 2019
A taxonomy of identity safety cues based on gender and race: From a promising past to an intersectional and translational future.
M Kruk, JL Matsick
Translational Issues in Psychological Science 7 (4), 487, 2021
Bringing an intersectional lens to “open” science: An analysis of representation in the reproducibility project
NJ Sabik, JL Matsick, K McCormick-Huhn, ER Cole
Psychology of Women Quarterly 45 (4), 475-492, 2021
Treat sexual stigma to heal health disparities: Improving sexual minorities’ health outcomes
JL Matsick, BM Wardecker, F Oswald
Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (2), 205-213, 2020
Families of choice and community connectedness: A brief guide to the social strengths of LGBTQ older adults
BM Wardecker, JL Matsick
Journal of Gerontological Nursing 46 (2), 5-8, 2020
Does monogamy harm women? Deconstructing monogamy with a feminist lens
A Ziegler, JL Matsick, AC Moors, JD Rubin, TD Conley
Journal für Psychologie 22 (1), 2014
Life satisfaction across adulthood in bisexual men and women: Findings from the Midlife in the United States (MIDUS) Study
BM Wardecker, JL Matsick, JE Graham-Engeland, DM Almeida
Archives of sexual behavior 48, 291-303, 2019
Facebook LGBTQ pictivism: The effects of women’s rainbow profile filters on sexual prejudice and online belonging
JL Matsick, LM Kim, M Kruk
Psychology of Women Quarterly 44 (3), 342-361, 2020
The role of women's orgasm goal pursuit in women's orgasm occurrence
S Gusakova, TD Conley, JL Piemonte, JL Matsick
Personality and Individual Differences 155, 109628, 2020
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Articles 1–20