Chitram Banerjee
Chitram Banerjee
Post-doctoral Fellow
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Quantitative fluorescence and elastic scattering tissue polarimetry using an Eigenvalue calibrated spectroscopic Mueller matrix system
J Soni, H Purwar, H Lakhotia, S Chandel, C Banerjee, U Kumar, N Ghosh
Optics express 21 (13), 15475-15489, 2013
Nonvolatile optical memory via recoil-induced resonance in a pure two-level system
AJF de Almeida, MA Maynard, C Banerjee, D Felinto, F Goldfarb, ...
Physical Review A 94 (6), 063834, 2016
Transverse drag of slow light in moving<? TeX\break?> atomic vapor
Y Solomons, C Banerjee, S Smartsev, J Friedman, D Eger, O Firstenberg, ...
Optics Letters 45 (13), 3431-3434, 2020
Development and eigenvalue calibration of an automated spectral Mueller matrix system for biomedical polarimetry
H Purwar, J Soni, H Lakhotia, S Chandel, C Banerjee, N Ghosh
Biomedical Applications of Light Scattering VI 8230, 156-169, 2012
Tunable spin dependent beam shift by simultaneously tailoring geometric and dynamical phases of light in inhomogeneous anisotropic medium
M Pal, C Banerjee, S Chandel, A Bag, SK Majumder, N Ghosh
Scientific reports 6 (1), 39582, 2016
Anomalous optical drag
C Banerjee, Y Solomons, AN Black, G Marcucci, D Eger, N Davidson, ...
Physical review research 4 (3), 033124, 2022
Phase sensitive amplification enabled by coherent population trapping
P Neveu, C Banerjee, J Lugani, F Bretenaker, E Brion, F Goldfarb
New Journal of Physics 20 (8), 083043, 2018
Phase-sensitive amplification via coherent population oscillations in metastable helium at room temperature
J Lugani, C Banerjee, MA Maynard, P Neveu, W Xie, R Ghosh, ...
Optics Letters 41 (20), 4731-4734, 2016
Generation of squeezed light vacuum enabled by coherent population trapping
P Neveu, J Delpy, S Liu, C Banerjee, J Lugani, F Bretenaker, E Brion, ...
Optics Express 29 (7), 10471-10479, 2021
Experimental and Theoretical Study of Two Non-linear Processes Induced by Ultra-narrow Resonances in Atoms
C Banerjee
Université Paris Saclay (COmUE), 2019
Giant spin hall effect of light in an exotic optical system
A Bag, S Chandel, C Banerjee, D Saha, M Pal, A Banerjee, N Ghosh
Nanophotonics V 9126, 340-346, 2014
Squeezed light generated by CPT-enabled phase sensitive amplification (Conference Presentation)
F Bretenaker, P Neveu, J Delpy, C Banerjee, J Lugani, E Brion, F Goldfarb
Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics XVII 11288, 112881D, 2020
Phase-sensitive Amplification in Metastable Helium
C Banerjee, J Lugani, P Neveu, F Bretenaker, F Goldfarb
Quantum Information and Measurement, QT6A. 65, 2017
Phase-sensitive amplification using coherent population oscillations in metastable helium
J Lugani, C Banerjee, P Neveu, MA Maynard, W Xie, R Ghosh, ...
International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, Tu2C. 3, 2016
Theoretical study of light storage based on Coherent Population Oscillations
P Neveu, MA Maynard, C Banerjee, J Lugani, R Ghosh, F Bretenaker, ...
International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, Tu3C. 4, 2016
Phase sensitive amplification in metastable helium at room temperature
J Lugani, C Banerjee, MA Maynard, P Neveu, R Soorat, R Ghosh, ...
Frontiers in Optics, JW4A. 16, 2016
Theoretical Intepretation of Light Storage by Coherent Population Oscillation
P Neveu, MA Maynard, C Banerjee, J Lugani, E Brion, F Goldfarb, ...
Frontiers in Optics, FF5D. 7, 2016
Storage based on coherent population oscillations
MA Maynard, R Bouchez, P Neveu, J Lugani, S Mandal, C Banerjee, ...
2016 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 1-2, 2016
Extraordinary Spin specific beam shift of Light in an Inhomogeneous Anisotropic medium
M Pal, C Banerjee, S Chandel, A Bag, N Ghosh
arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.03469, 2015
A Giant Spin-specific Hall Shift in Light by tailoring Pancharatnam phase
C Banerjee
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata, 2015
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Articles 1–20