Antonio Calà Lesina
Cited by
Cited by
Laser-induced plasmonic colours on metals
JM Guay, A Calà Lesina, G Côté, M Charron, D Poitras, L Ramunno, ...
Nature Communications 8, 16095, 2017
On the convergence and accuracy of the FDTD method for nanoplasmonics
A Calà Lesina, A Vaccari, P Berini, L Ramunno
Optics Express 23 (8), 10481-10497, 2015
Plasmonic colours predicted by deep learning
J Baxter, A Calà Lesina, JM Guay, A Weck, P Berini, L Ramunno
Scientific Reports 9, 8074, 2019
Plasmonic scattering by metal nanoparticles for solar cells
A Paris, A Vaccari, A Calà Lesina, E Serra, L Calliari
Plasmonics, 1-10, 2012
Tunable plasmonic metasurfaces for optical phased arrays
A Calà Lesina, D Goodwill, E Bernier, L Ramunno, P Berini
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 27 (1), 2020
Parallel implementation of a 3D subgridding FDTD algorithm for large simulations
A Vaccari, A Calà Lesina, L Cristoforetti, R Pontalti
Progress In Electromagnetics Research 120, 263-292, 2011
Topography tuning for plasmonic color enhancement via picosecond laser bursts
JM Guay, A Calà Lesina, J Baxter, G Killaire, L Ramunno, P Berini, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 6 (17), 1800189, 2018
On the performance of optical phased array technology for beam steering: effect of pixel limitations
A Calà Lesina, D Goodwill, E Bernier, L Ramunno, P Berini
Optics Express 28 (21), 31637-31657, 2020
Dual-polarization plasmonic metasurface for nonlinear optics
A Calà Lesina, L Ramunno, P Berini
Optics Letters 40 (12), 2874-2877, 2015
Vectorial control of nonlinear emission via chiral butterfly nanoantennas: generation of pure high order nonlinear vortex beams
A Calà Lesina, P Berini, L Ramunno
Optics Express 25 (3), 2569-2582, 2017
Modeling and characterization of antireflection coatings with embedded silver nanoparticles for silicon solar cells
A Calà Lesina, G Paternoster, F Mattedi, L Ferrario, P Berini, L Ramunno, ...
Plasmonics, 1-12, 2015
Parallel FDTD modelling of nonlocality in plasmonics
J Baxter, A Calà Lesina, L Ramunno
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2020
Origin of third harmonic generation in plasmonic nanoantennas
A Calà Lesina, P Berini, L Ramunno
Optical Materials Express 7 (5), 1575-1580, 2017
Light-opals interaction modeling by direct numerical solution of Maxwell’s equations
A Vaccari, A Calà Lesina, L Cristoforetti, A Chiappini, L Crema, L Calliari, ...
Optics Express 22 (22), 27739-27749, 2014
Effects of refractive index mismatch on SRS and CARS microscopy
J van der Kolk, A Calà Lesina, L Ramunno
Optics Express 24 (22), 25752-25766, 2016
Hyperpolarizability of plasmonic meta-atoms in metasurfaces
MS Bin-Alam, J Baxter, KM Awan, A Kiviniemi, Y Mamchur, A Calà Lesina, ...
Nano Letters 21 (1), 51–59, 2020
Multiresonant all-dielectric metasurfaces based on high-order multipole coupling in the visible
I Allayarov, AB Evlyukhin, A Calà Lesina
Optics Express 32 (4), 5641-5658, 2024
Topology optimization of dispersive plasmonic nanostructures in the time-domain
E Hassan, A Calà Lesina
Optics Express 30 (11), 19557-19572, 2022
Helium ion beam lithography and liftoff
S Rashid, J Walia, H Northfield, C Hahn, A Olivieri, A Calà Lesina, ...
Nano Futures, 2021
Laser-written colours on silver: optical effect of alumina coating
JM Guay, A Calà Lesina, G Killaire, PG Gordon, C Hahn, ST Barry, ...
Nanophotonics, 2019
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Articles 1–20