Simon Musall
Simon Musall
Research Center Juelich
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Cited by
Single-trial neural dynamics are dominated by richly varied movements
S Musall, MT Kaufman, AL Juavinett, S Gluf, AK Churchland
Nature neuroscience 22 (10), 1677-1686, 2019
Effects of neural synchrony on surface EEG
S Musall, V Von Pföstl, A Rauch, NK Logothetis, K Whittingstall
Cerebral Cortex 24 (4), 1045-1053, 2014
BehaveNet: nonlinear embedding and Bayesian neural decoding of behavioral videos
E Batty, M Whiteway, S Saxena, D Biderman, T Abe, S Musall, W Gillis, ...
Advances in neural information processing systems 32, 2019
Optogenetically stimulating intact rat corticospinal tract post-stroke restores motor control through regionalized functional circuit formation
AS Wahl, U Büchler, A Brändli, B Brattoli, S Musall, H Kasper, BV Ineichen, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1187, 2017
BRICseq bridges brain-wide interregional connectivity to neural activity and gene expression in single animals
L Huang, JM Kebschull, D Fürth, S Musall, MT Kaufman, AK Churchland, ...
Cell 182 (1), 177-188. e27, 2020
Tactile frequency discrimination is enhanced by circumventing neocortical adaptation
S Musall, W Von Der Behrens, JM Mayrhofer, B Weber, F Helmchen, ...
Nature neuroscience 17 (11), 1567-1573, 2014
Localized semi-nonnegative matrix factorization (LocaNMF) of widefield calcium imaging data
S Saxena, I Kinsella, S Musall, SH Kim, J Meszaros, DN Thibodeaux, ...
PLoS computational biology 16 (4), e1007791, 2020
Novel two-alternative forced choice paradigm for bilateral vibrotactile whisker frequency discrimination in head-fixed mice and rats
JM Mayrhofer, V Skreb, W von der Behrens, S Musall, B Weber, F Haiss
Journal of neurophysiology 109 (1), 273-284, 2013
Chronic, cortex-wide imaging of specific cell populations during behavior
J Couto, S Musall, XR Sun, A Khanal, S Gluf, S Saxena, I Kinsella, T Abe, ...
Nature Protocols, 1-25, 2021
Harnessing behavioral diversity to understand neural computations for cognition
S Musall, AE Urai, D Sussillo, AK Churchland
Current opinion in neurobiology 58, 229-238, 2019
Pyramidal cell types drive functionally distinct cortical activity patterns during decision-making
S Musall, XR Sun, H Mohan, X An, S Gluf, SJ Li, R Drewes, E Cravo, ...
Nature neuroscience 26 (3), 495-505, 2023
Deviant processing in the primary somatosensory cortex
S Musall, F Haiss, B Weber, W von der Behrens
Cerebral Cortex 27 (1), 863-876, 2017
Movement-related activity dominates cortex during sensory-guided decision making. bioRxiv preprint
S Musall, MT Kaufman, S Gluf, AK Churchland
Cortical glutamatergic projection neuron types contribute to distinct functional subnetworks
H Mohan, X An, XH Xu, H Kondo, S Zhao, KS Matho, BS Wang, S Musall, ...
Nature Neuroscience 26 (3), 481-494, 2023
Minimally-invasive insertion strategy and in vivo evaluation of multi-shank flexible intracortical probes
K Srikantharajah, R Medinaceli Quintela, K Doerenkamp, BM Kampa, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 18920, 2021
Dataset from: Single-trial neural dynamics are dominated by richly varied movements.
AK Churchland, S Musall, MT Kaufman, AL Juavinett, S Gluf
Aptamer based biosensor platforms for neurotransmitters analysis
Z Hu, Y Li, G Figueroa-Miranda, S Musall, H Li, MA Martínez-Roque, Q Hu, ...
TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 117021, 2023
Highly Customizable 3D microelectrode arrays for in vitro and in vivo neuronal tissue recordings
J Abu Shihada, M Jung, S Decke, L Koschinski, S Musall, ...
Advanced Science 11 (13), 2305944, 2024
From neuromorphic to neurohybrid: transition from the emulation to the integration of neuronal networks
U Bruno, A Mariano, D Rana, T Gemmeke, S Musall, F Santoro
Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering 3 (2), 023002, 2023
Engaged decision-makers align spontaneous movements to stereotyped task demands
C Yin, MD Melin, G Rojas-Bowe, XR Sun, S Gluf, J Couto, A Kostiuk, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.06. 26.546404, 2023
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Articles 1–20