Jan Felix Heyse
Jan Felix Heyse
PhD Candidate, Stanford University
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Estimating RANS model uncertainty using machine learning
JF Heyse, AA Mishra, G Iaccarino
Journal of the Global Power and Propulsion Society 2021 (May), 1-14, 2021
Influence of the injector geometry on primary breakup in diesel injector systems
M Bode, F Diewald, DO Broll, JF Heyse, V Le Chenadec, H Pitsch
SAE Technical Paper, 2014
Data Driven & Physics Constrained Perturbations For Turbulence Model Uncertainty Estimation
JF Heyse, AA Mishra, G Iaccarino
Geometry encoding for numerical simulations
A Maleki, J Heyse, R Ranade, H He, P Kasimbeg, J Pathak
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.07792, 2021
Estimated aleatoric uncertainty from initial and inlet conditions for variable density mixing
JF Heyse, Z Huang, G Iaccarino
arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.12560, 2019
End-to-end Driving Controls Predictions from Images
JF Heyse, M Bouton
CS229, Final Report, 2016
Data-driven and Physics-constrained Uncertainty Quantification for Turbulence Models
JF Heyse
Stanford University, 2022
Exploring Machine Learning Strategies for RANS Uncertainty Quantification
N Kozak, J Heyse, AA Mishra, G Iaccarino
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, T02. 007, 2021
Data-driven Eigenspace Perturbations for RANS Uncertainty Quantification
J Heyse, N Kozak, A Mishra, G Iaccarino
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, T02. 005, 2021
Quantifying the uncertainties of density self-correlation in RANS simulations for variable density flows
JF Heyse, Z Huang, A Mishra, G Iaccarino, TC Wallstrom, D Sharp
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, R10. 005, 2020
Uncertainty quantification for RANS simulations of variable density flows
A Mishra, Z Huang, J Heyse, G Iaccarino, T Clarke Wallstrom, D Sharp
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, H41. 004, 2019
Simulation of cell membrane poration by single bubble acoustic cavitation
J Heyse, S Bose, G Iaccarino
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 63, 2018
Modeling Encapsulated Microbubble Dynamics at High Pressure Amplitudes
JF Heyse, S Bose, G Iaccarino
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, M7. 005, 2017
Statistical Inference of a RANS closure for a Jet-in-Crossflow simulation
J Heyse, W Edeling, G Iaccarino
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, KP1. 028, 2016
Tiny ImageNet Challenge Investigating the Scaling of Inception Layers for Reduced Scale Classification Problems
ES Boigné, JF Heyse
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Articles 1–15