Accurate multiplexing and filtering for high-throughput amplicon-sequencing P Esling, F Lejzerowicz, J Pawlowski Nucleic acids research 43 (5), 2513-2524, 2015 | 290 | 2015 |
Global observing needs in the deep ocean LA Levin, BJ Bett, AR Gates, P Heimbach, BM Howe, F Janssen, ... Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 241, 2019 | 278 | 2019 |
High-throughput sequencing and morphology perform equally well for benthic monitoring of marine ecosystems F Lejzerowicz, P Esling, L Pillet, TA Wilding, KD Black, J Pawlowski Scientific reports 5 (1), 13932, 2015 | 237 | 2015 |
Environmental monitoring through protist next‐generation sequencing metabarcoding: Assessing the impact of fish farming on benthic foraminifera communities J Pawlowski, P Esling, F Lejzerowicz, T Cedhagen, TA Wilding Molecular ecology resources 14 (6), 1129-1140, 2014 | 229 | 2014 |
Predicting the ecological quality status of marine environments from eDNA metabarcoding data using supervised machine learning T Cordier, P Esling, F Lejzerowicz, J Visco, A Ouadahi, C Martins, ... Environmental science & technology 51 (16), 9118-9126, 2017 | 213 | 2017 |
Ultra-deep sequencing of foraminiferal microbarcodes unveils hidden richness of early monothalamous lineages in deep-sea sediments B Lecroq, F Lejzerowicz, D Bachar, R Christen, P Esling, L Baerlocher, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (32), 13177-13182, 2011 | 204 | 2011 |
Protist metabarcoding and environmental biomonitoring: time for change J Pawlowski, F Lejzerowicz, L Apotheloz-Perret-Gentil, J Visco, P Esling European Journal of Protistology 55, 12-25, 2016 | 180 | 2016 |
Environmental DNA metabarcoding for benthic monitoring: A review of sediment sampling and DNA extraction methods J Pawlowski, K Bruce, K Panksep, FI Aguirre, S Amalfitano, ... Science of the Total Environment 818, 151783, 2022 | 149 | 2022 |
Consumption of fermented foods is associated with systematic differences in the gut microbiome and metabolome BC Taylor, F Lejzerowicz, M Poirel, JP Shaffer, L Jiang, A Aksenov, ... Msystems 5 (2), 10.1128/msystems. 00901-19, 2020 | 137 | 2020 |
Climate change considerations are fundamental to management of deep‐sea resource extraction LA Levin, CL Wei, DC Dunn, DJ Amon, OS Ashford, WWL Cheung, ... Global Change Biology 26 (9), 4664-4678, 2020 | 132 | 2020 |
Ancient DNA complements microfossil record in deep-sea subsurface sediments F Lejzerowicz, P Esling, W Majewski, W Szczuciński, J Decelle, C Obadia, ... Biology letters 9 (4), 20130283, 2013 | 124 | 2013 |
Accurate assessment of the impact of salmon farming on benthic sediment enrichment using foraminiferal metabarcoding X Pochon, SA Wood, NB Keeley, F Lejzerowicz, P Esling, J Drew, ... Marine Pollution Bulletin 100 (1), 370-382, 2015 | 117 | 2015 |
Standardized multi-omics of Earth’s microbiomes reveals microbial and metabolite diversity JP Shaffer, LF Nothias, LR Thompson, JG Sanders, RA Salido, ... Nature microbiology 7 (12), 2128-2150, 2022 | 114 | 2022 |
First evaluation of foraminiferal metabarcoding for monitoring environmental impact from an offshore oil drilling site O Laroche, SA Wood, LA Tremblay, JI Ellis, F Lejzerowicz, J Pawlowski, ... Marine Environmental Research 120, 225-235, 2016 | 100 | 2016 |
Next-generation environmental diversity surveys of foraminifera: preparing the future J Pawlowski, F Lejzerowicz, P Esling The Biological Bulletin 227 (2), 93-106, 2014 | 100 | 2014 |
Metabarcoding of benthic ciliate communities shows high potential for environmental monitoring in salmon aquaculture T Stoeck, R Kochems, D Forster, F Lejzerowicz, J Pawlowski Ecological Indicators 85, 153-164, 2018 | 97 | 2018 |
Effects of the microalgae Chlamydomonas on gastrointestinal health FJ Fields, F Lejzerowicz, D Schroeder, SM Ngoi, M Tran, D McDonald, ... Journal of Functional Foods 65, 103738, 2020 | 93 | 2020 |
Long‐term dynamics in microbial eukaryotes communities: A palaeolimnological view based on sedimentary DNA E Capo, D Debroas, F Arnaud, T Guillemot, V Bichet, L Millet, E Gauthier, ... Molecular Ecology 25 (23), 5925-5943, 2016 | 89 | 2016 |
SLIM: a flexible web application for the reproducible processing of environmental DNA metabarcoding data Y Dufresne, F Lejzerowicz, LA Perret-Gentil, J Pawlowski, T Cordier BMC bioinformatics 20, 1-6, 2019 | 85 | 2019 |
Foraminiferal survival after long-term in situ experimentally induced anoxia D Langlet, E Geslin, C Baal, E Metzger, F Lejzerowicz, B Riedel, ... Biogeosciences 10 (11), 7463-7480, 2013 | 84 | 2013 |