Radomír Pukl
Radomír Pukl
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ATENA—A tool for engineering analysis of fracture in concrete
V Cervenka, J Cervenka, R Pukl
Sadhana 27, 485-492, 2002
Structural assessment and reliability analysis for existing engineering structures, theoretical background
K Bergmeister, D Novák, R Pukl, V Červenka
Structure and infrastructure engineering 5 (4), 267-275, 2009
Size effect of the concrete cone failure load of anchor bolts
R Eligehausen, P Bouška, V Červenka, R Pukl
Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures, 517-525, 2003
Advanced life-cycle analysis of existing concrete bridges
A Strauss, K Bergmeister, S Hoffmann, R Pukl, D Novák
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 20 (1), 9-19, 2008
Material model for finite element modelling of fatigue crack growth in concrete
P Dobromil, C Jan, P Radomir
Procedia engineering 2 (1), 203-212, 2010
Statistical size effect in quasibrittle materials: Computation and extreme value theory
ZP Bazant, SD Pang, M Vorechovský, D Novák, R Pukl
Fracture mechanics of concrete structures 1, 189-196, 2004
SBETA: Computer Program for Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures
V Cervenka, R Eligehausen, R Pukl
Institut für Werkstoffe im Bauwesen, 1989
On the choice between discrete or smeared approach in practical structural FE analyses of concrete structures
L Jendele, J Cervenka, V Saouma, R Pukl
Fourth International Conference on Analysis of Discontinuous Deformation …, 2001
Computer models of concrete structures
V Červenka, R Pǔkl
Structural Engineering International 2 (2), 103-107, 1992
Prediction of shear failure of large beams based on fracture mechanics
V Cervenka, J Cervenka, R Pukl, T Sajdlova
9th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete …, 2016
Stochastic nonlinear fracture mechanics finite element analysis of concrete structures
D Novák, M Vořechovský, D Lehký, R Rusina, R Pukl, V Červenka
ICOSSAR’05 Proc., 9th Int. Conf. on Structural Safety and Reliability, 781-788, 2005
Reliability assessment of concrete structures
R Pukl, D Novák, K Bergmeister
Proc. of Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures (Euro–C2003), N …, 2003
Mesh sensitivity effects in smeared finite element analysis of concrete structures
V Červenka, R Pukl, J Ozbolt, R Eligehausen
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of …, 1995
An advanced engineering software for probabilistic-based assessment of concrete structures using nonlinear fracture mechanics
R Pukl, V Červenka, A Strauss, K Bergmeister, D Novák
Proc. of 9th Int. Conf. on Applications of Statistics and Probability in …, 2003
Computer simulation of anchoring technique in reinforced concrete beams
V Cervenka, R Pukl, R Eligehausen
SBETA analysis of size effect in concrete structures, Size Effect in Concrete Structures
V Cervenka
proceedigns of the Japan Concrete Institute International Workshop, 323-333, 1993
Spatial variability of material properties in nonlinear computer simulation
R Pukl, M Jansta, J Červenka, M Vořechovský, D Novák, R Rusina
Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, 891-896, 2020
An advanced engineering tool for reliability assessment of concrete structures
K Bergmeister, D Novák, R Pukl
Progress in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, Proc., 2nd …, 2004
Statistical nonlinear analysis-size effect of concrete beams
D Novák, M Vorechovský, R Pukl, V Cervenka
Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, Proc., 4th Int. Conf …, 2001
Safety assessment in fracture analysis of concrete structures
V Cervenka, J Cervenka, R Pukl
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of …, 2007
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Articles 1–20