Lori McKee
Cited by
Cited by
Orchestrating literacies: Print literacy learning opportunities within multimodal intergenerational ensembles
LL McKee, RM Heydon
Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 15 (2), 227-255, 2015
iPads and paintbrushes: integrating digital media into an intergenerational art class
R Heydon, L McKee, B Daly
Language and Education 31 (4), 351-373, 2017
Supporting Beginning Readers in Reading to Learn: A Comprehension Strategy
L McKee, G Carr
The Reading Teacher, 2016
Singing our song: the affordances of singing in an intergenerational, multimodal literacy programme
R Heydon, L McKee, S O'Neill
Literacy 52 (3), 128-136, 2018
Learning Together: Our Reflections on Connecting People and Practices in Intergenerational Meaning-Making Experiences
L McKee, TL Scheffel
Journal of Childhood Studies, 111-119, 2019
The affordances and constraints of visual methods in early childhood education research: Talking points from the field
R Heydon, L McKee, L Phillips
Journal of Childhood Studies, 5-17, 2016
Print literacy opportunities for young children in a multimodal literacy ensemble
L McKee
The University of Western Ontario (Canada), 2013
Preservice Teachers Engage Parents in At-Home Learning:“We Are in This Together!”
L McKee, A Murray-Orr, ET Robinson
Journal of Teaching and Learning 16 (1), 5-22, 2022
Pedagogies of possibilities:(Re) designing teacher professional learning to support the use of digital technologies in multimodal pedagogies
L McKee
The University of Western Ontario (Canada), 2017
‘Enabled to play, enabled to explore’: children’s civic engagement, literacies, and teacher professional learning
L McKee, R Heydon
Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 41 (5), 782-798, 2020
Making spaces in professional learning for democratic literacy education in the early years
L McKee, R Heydon, E Davies
Resisting Neoliberalism in Education: Local, National and Transnational …, 2019
Uniting Generations: Intergenerational and Universal-themed Picturebook Recommendations
TL Scheffel, L McKee
Journal of Childhood Studies, 120-128, 2019
An Examination of Canadian and American Pre-Service Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Beliefs for 21st Century Literacy Instruction
K Ciampa, TL Gallagher, H Hong, L McKee, TL Scheffel
Reading Psychology 45 (3), 311-336, 2024
Learning to Teach Outside the Box: Exploring Newness in Literacies Pedagogies in a Pandemic
L McKee, A Murray-Orr, E Throop-Robinson
Language and Literacy 25 (1), 130-147, 2023
Supporting preservice teachers to navigate the tensions of teaching English Language Arts: An examination of two teacher educator's literacies pedagogies
L McKee, TL Scheffel
Language and Literacy 26 (3), 75-95, 2024
Hands-On Mathematics: Preservice Teachers Supporting Home Learning During COVID-19
E Throop Robinson, L McKee, A Murray-Orr
The Impact of COVID-19 on Early Childhood Education and Care: International …, 2022
Children, Elders, and Materials Composing Together: A Qualitative Study of Two Intergenerational Art Programs
R Heydon, R Stooke, L McKee
Intergenerational Bonds: The Contributions of Older Adults to Young Children …, 2022
Connecting Intergenerational Voices: Curricula to Foster the Wellbeing of Young Children and Elders
R Heydon, L McKee, S O’Neill
The Routledge Companion to Interdisciplinary Studies in Singing, Volume III …, 2020
Connecting Intergenerational Voices: Curricula to Foster the Wellbeing of Young Children and Elders
R Heydon, L McKee, S O’Neill
The Routledge Companion to Interdisciplinary Studies in Singing, Volume III …, 2020
Literacy Teachers Navigating Turbulent Times in Canada
A Downey, T Gallagher, A Lemieux, L McKee, J Stouffer, J Wood
Language and Literacy 26 (3), 1-9, 2024
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Articles 1–20