Equation of state of a Fermi gas in the BEC-BCS crossover: A quantum Monte Carlo study GE Astrakharchik, J Boronat, J Casulleras, S Giorgini Physical review letters 93 (20), 200404, 2004 | 739 | 2004 |
Ultradilute low-dimensional liquids DS Petrov, GE Astrakharchik Physical review letters 117 (10), 100401, 2016 | 446 | 2016 |
Motion of a heavy impurity through a Bose-Einstein condensate GE Astrakharchik, LP Pitaevskii Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 70 (1), 013608, 2004 | 378 | 2004 |
Frontiers in multidimensional self-trapping of nonlinear fields and matter YV Kartashov, GE Astrakharchik, BA Malomed, L Torner Nature Reviews Physics 1 (3), 185-197, 2019 | 348 | 2019 |
Quantum phase transition in a two-dimensional system of dipoles GE Astrakharchik, J Boronat, IL Kurbakov, YE Lozovik Physical review letters 98 (6), 060405, 2007 | 298 | 2007 |
Beyond the Tonks-Girardeau Gas: Strongly Correlated Regime<? format?> in Quasi-One-Dimensional Bose Gases GE Astrakharchik, J Boronat, J Casulleras, S Giorgini Physical review letters 95 (19), 190407, 2005 | 296 | 2005 |
Dynamics of one-dimensional quantum droplets GE Astrakharchik, BA Malomed Physical Review A 98 (1), 013631, 2018 | 244 | 2018 |
Momentum distribution and condensate fraction of a fermion gas in the BCS-BEC crossover GE Astrakharchik, J Boronat, J Casulleras, S Giorgini Physical review letters 95 (23), 230405, 2005 | 155 | 2005 |
Bose polarons in ultracold atoms in one dimension: beyond the Fröhlich paradigm F Grusdt, GE Astrakharchik, E Demler New Journal of Physics 19 (10), 103035, 2017 | 140 | 2017 |
Speckle imaging of spin fluctuations in a strongly interacting Fermi gas C Sanner, EJ Su, A Keshet, W Huang, J Gillen, R Gommers, W Ketterle Physical review letters 106 (1), 010402, 2011 | 127 | 2011 |
Superfluidity versus Bose-Einstein condensation in a Bose gas with disorder GE Astrakharchik, J Boronat, J Casulleras, S Giorgini Physical Review A 66 (2), 023603, 2002 | 121 | 2002 |
Collective excitations of a one-dimensional quantum droplet M Tylutki, GE Astrakharchik, BA Malomed, DS Petrov Physical Review A 101 (5), 051601, 2020 | 114 | 2020 |
Correlation functions and momentum distribution of one-dimensional Bose systems GE Astrakharchik, S Giorgini physical review A 68 (3), 031602, 2003 | 112 | 2003 |
Interacting fermions in highly elongated harmonic traps GE Astrakharchik, D Blume, S Giorgini, LP Pitaevskii Physical review letters 93 (5), 050402, 2004 | 109 | 2004 |
Equation of State and Collective Frequencies of a Trapped Fermi Gas<? format?> Along the BEC-Unitarity Crossover GE Astrakharchik, R Combescot, X Leyronas, S Stringari Physical review letters 95 (3), 030404, 2005 | 108 | 2005 |
Quasi-one-dimensional Bose gases with a large scattering length GE Astrakharchik, D Blume, S Giorgini, BE Granger Physical review letters 92 (3), 030402, 2004 | 101 | 2004 |
Liquid state of one-dimensional Bose mixtures: A quantum Monte Carlo study L Parisi, GE Astrakharchik, S Giorgini Physical review letters 122 (10), 105302, 2019 | 92 | 2019 |
Crystalline phase of strongly interacting Fermi mixtures DS Petrov, GE Astrakharchik, DJ Papoular, C Salomon, GV Shlyapnikov Physical review letters 99 (13), 130407, 2007 | 90 | 2007 |
Universality in ultradilute liquid Bose-Bose mixtures V Cikojević, LV Markić, GE Astrakharchik, J Boronat Physical Review A 99 (2), 023618, 2019 | 80 | 2019 |
Ground-state properties of a one-dimensional system of dipoles AS Arkhipov, GE Astrakharchik, AV Belikov, YE Lozovik Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters 82, 39-43, 2005 | 76 | 2005 |