Articles with public access mandates - D N TibarewalaLearn more
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Motor imagery, P300 and error-related EEG-based robot arm movement control for rehabilitation purpose
S Bhattacharyya, A Konar, DN Tibarewala
Medical & biological engineering & computing 52, 1007-1017, 2014
Mandates: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Object-shape recognition and 3D reconstruction from tactile sensor images
A Khasnobish, G Singh, A Jati, A Konar, DN Tibarewala
Medical & biological engineering & computing 52 (4), 353-362, 2014
Mandates: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
An EEG study on working memory and cognition
P Ghosh, A Mazumder, S Bhattacharyya, DN Tibarewala
Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on perception and machine …, 2015
Mandates: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Object shape recognition from EEG signals during tactile and visual exploration
A Khasnobish, A Konar, DN Tibarewala, S Bhattacharyya, R Janarthanan
Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence: 5th International Conference …, 2013
Mandates: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Feature selection of motor imagery EEG signals using firefly temporal difference Q-learning and support vector machine
S Bhattacharyya, P Rakshit, A Konar, DN Tibarewala, R Janarthanan
Swarm, Evolutionary, and Memetic Computing: 4th International Conference …, 2013
Mandates: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Texture-and deformability-based surface recognition by tactile image analysis
A Khasnobish, M Pal, DN Tibarewala, A Konar, K Pal
Medical & biological engineering & computing 54, 1269-1283, 2016
Mandates: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Interfacing robotic tactile sensation with human vibrotactile perception for digit recognition
A Khasnobish, S Datta, D Sardar, DN Tibarewala, A Konar
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 71, 166-179, 2015
Mandates: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Selection of Relevant Features from Cognitive EEG Signals Using ReliefF and MRMR Algorithm
A Mazumder, P Ghosh, A Khasnobish, S Bhattacharyya, DN Tibarewala
Advancements of Medical Electronics: Proceedings of the First International …, 2015
Mandates: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Cognitive activity classification from EEG signals with an interval type-2 fuzzy system
S Datta, A Khasnobish, A Konar, DN Tibarewala
Advancements of Medical Electronics: Proceedings of the First International …, 2015
Mandates: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Classification of deformable and non-deformable surfaces by tactile image analysis
M Pal, A Khasnobish, A Konar, DN Tibarewala, R Janarthanan
Proceedings of The 2014 International Conference on Control, Instrumentation …, 2014
Mandates: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Object-shape recognition by tactile image analysis using support vector machine
A Khasnobish, A Jati, G Singh, A Konar, DN Tibarewala
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 28 …, 2014
Mandates: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Object shape recognition from EEG signals with tactile, visuo-tactile and audio-tactile stimuli
A Khasnobish, S Datta, A Konar, DN Tibarewala, R Janarthanan
2014 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, 122-126, 2014
Mandates: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Correlation analysis of object shape recognition from EEG and tactile signals
A Khasnobish, S Datta, M Pal, A Konar, DN Tibarewala, R Janarthanan
2014 International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICAEE), 1-6, 2014
Mandates: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Visual Perception from Object Scanning as Revealed by Electrooculography
A Banerjee, A Mazumder, P Ghosh, DN Tibarewala
Biomedical Image Analysis and Mining Techniques for Improved Health Outcomes …, 2015
Mandates: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Effect of Audio Cue on Electrooculogram-Based Eye Movement Analysis of Visual Memory Recall
A Banerjee, A Dey, S Datta, DN Tibarewala
Computational Advancement in Communication Circuits and Systems: Proceedings …, 2015
Mandates: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Performance Analysis of Feature Extractors for Object Recognition from EEG Signals
A Khasnobish, S Bhattacharyya, A Konar, DN Tibarewala
Advancements of Medical Electronics: Proceedings of the First International …, 2015
Mandates: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Neural encoding of rigid object-shape perception from visually stimulated EEG signals
A Khasnobish, S Datta, A Konar, DN Tibarewala
Proceedings of The 2014 International Conference on Control, Instrumentation …, 2014
Mandates: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Available somewhere: 29
Interval type-2 fuzzy logic based multiclass ANFIS algorithm for real-time EEG based movement control of a robot arm
S Bhattacharyya, D Basu, A Konar, DN Tibarewala
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 68, 104-115, 2015
Mandates: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Automatic feature selection of motor imagery EEG signals using differential evolution and learning automata
S Bhattacharyya, A Sengupta, T Chakraborti, A Konar, DN Tibarewala
Medical & biological engineering & computing 52, 131-139, 2014
Mandates: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Classifying electrooculogram to detect directional eye movements
A Banerjee, S Datta, M Pal, A Konar, DN Tibarewala, R Janarthanan
Procedia Technology 10, 67-75, 2013
Mandates: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
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