Andrew Chiodi
Andrew Chiodi
Senior Research Scientist, University of Washington and NOAA PMEL
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Cited by
Seaglider: A long-range autonomous underwater vehicle for oceanographic research
CC Eriksen, TJ Osse, RD Light, T Wen, TW Lehman, PL Sabin, JW Ballard, ...
IEEE Journal of oceanic Engineering 26 (4), 424-436, 2001
El Niño impacts on seasonal US atmospheric circulation, temperature, and precipitation anomalies: The OLR-event perspective
AM Chiodi, DE Harrison
Journal of Climate 26 (3), 822-837, 2013
Global seasonal precipitation anomalies robustly associated with El Niño and La Niña events—An OLR perspective
AM Chiodi, DE Harrison
Journal of Climate 28 (15), 6133-6159, 2015
An analysis of Southeastern US prescribed burn weather windows: seasonal variability and El Niño associations
AM Chiodi, NS Larkin, JM Varner
International Journal of Wildland Fire 27 (3), 176-189, 2018
Subseasonal atmospheric variability and El Niño waveguide warming: Observed effects of the Madden–Julian oscillation and westerly wind events
AM Chiodi, DE Harrison, GA Vecchi
Journal of Climate 27 (10), 3619-3642, 2014
Equatorial Pacific easterly wind surges and the onset of La Niña events
AM Chiodi, DE Harrison
Journal of Climate 28 (2), 776-792, 2015
Observed El Niño SSTA development and the effects of easterly and westerly wind events in 2014/15
AM Chiodi, DE Harrison
Journal of Climate 30 (4), 1505-1519, 2017
Characterizing warm-ENSO variability in the equatorial Pacific: An OLR perspective
AM Chiodi, DE Harrison
Journal of Climate 23 (9), 2428-2439, 2010
Pre-and post-1997/98 westerly wind events and equatorial Pacific cold tongue warming
DE Harrison, AM Chiodi
Journal of Climate 22 (3), 568-581, 2009
Multi‐decadal change in western US nighttime vapor pressure deficit
AM Chiodi, BE Potter, NK Larkin
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (15), e2021GL092830, 2021
Mechanisms of summertime subtropical southern Indian Ocean sea surface temperature variability: On the importance of humidity anomalies and the meridional advection of water vapor
AM Chiodi, DE Harrison
Journal of climate 20 (19), 4835-4852, 2007
Multi-decadal variability and trends in the El Niño-Southern Oscillation and tropical Pacific fisheries implications
DE Harrison, AM Chiodi
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 113, 9-21, 2015
Simulating ENSO SSTAs from TAO/TRITON winds: the impacts of 20 years of buoy observations in the Pacific waveguide and comparison with reanalysis products
AM Chiodi, DE Harrison
Journal of Climate 30 (3), 1041-1059, 2017
Exploring the Pacific Arctic seasonal ice zone with saildrone USVs
AM Chiodi, C Zhang, ED Cokelet, Q Yang, CW Mordy, CL Gentemann, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 640690, 2021
Sensitivity of prescribed burn weather windows to atmospheric dispersion parameters over southeastern USA
AM Chiodi, NK Larkin, JM Varner, JK Hiers
International Journal of Wildland Fire 28 (8), 589-600, 2019
Estimating air‐sea carbon flux uncertainty over the tropical Pacific: Importance of winds and wind analysis uncertainty
AM Chiodi, JP Dunne, DE Harrison
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 33 (3), 370-390, 2019
Effects of surface forcing on the seasonal cycle of the eastern equatorial Pacific
DE Harrison, AM Chiodi, GA Vecchi
Comment on Qian et al. 2008: La Niña and El Niño composites of atmospheric CO2 change
AM Chiodi, DE Harrison
Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology 66 (1), 20428, 2014
Observing extreme ocean and weather events using
D Zhang, AM Chiodi, C Zhang, GR Foltz, MF Cronin, CW Mordy, J Cross, ...
Oceanography 36 (2/3), 70-77, 2023
Summertime rainfall events in eastern Washington and Oregon
AM Chiodi, NA Bond, NK Larkin, RJ Barbour
Weather and Forecasting 31 (5), 1465-1480, 2016
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Articles 1–20