Laboratoire de Génie Electrique et Electronique de Paris (GEEPS)
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Cited by
A 3-D semi-implicit method for computing the current density in bulk superconductors
A Kameni, M Boubekeur, L Alloui, F Bouillault, J Lambretchs, C Geuzaine
IEEE transactions on magnetics 50 (2), 377-380, 2014
Benchmark on the 3D numerical modeling of a superconducting bulk
K Berger, L Quéval, A Kameni, L Alloui, B Ramdane, F Trillaud, LM Hell, ...
Discontinuous Galerkin method for computing induced fields in superconducting materials
A Kameni, J Lambrechts, JF Remacle, S Mezani, F Bouillault, C Geuzaine
IEEE transactions on magnetics 48 (2), 591-594, 2012
Determination of and -Value of HTS Pellets by Measurement and Simulation of Magnetic Field Penetration
B Douine, CH Bonnard, F Sirois, K Berger, A Kameni, J Lévêque
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 25 (4), 1-8, 2015
Equivalent circuit model of soft shield defects in coaxial cables using numerical modeling
A Manet, A Kameni, F Loete, J Genoulaz, L Pichon, O Picon
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility 59 (2), 533-536, 2016
An optimum PML for scattering problems in the time domain
A Modave, A Kameni, J Lambrechts, E Delhez, L Pichon, C Geuzaine
The European Physical Journal-Applied Physics 64 (2), 24502, 2013
New hybrid FE-FV method for computing current distribution in 2-D superconductors: Application to an HTS cylinder in transverse magnetic field
A Kameni, D Netter, F Sirois, B Douine, J Lévêque
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 19 (3), 2423-2427, 2009
A 2-D robust FE-FV mixed method to handle strong nonlinearities in superconductors
A Kameni, S Mezani, F Sirois, D Netter, J Leveque, B Douine
IEEE transactions on magnetics 46 (8), 3445-3448, 2010
Ground penetrating radar data imaging via Kirchhoff migration method
X Liu, M Serhir, A Kameni, M Lambert, L Pichon
2017 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium …, 2017
Buried targets detection from synthetic anc measured B-scan ground penetrating radar data
X Liu, M Serhir, A Kameni, M Lambert, L Pichon
2017 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), 1726-1730, 2017
Improved Method for Determining the-Value of HTS Bulks
B Douine, K Berger, CH Bonnard, F Sirois, A Kameni, J Lévêque
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 26 (3), 1-4, 2016
3-D modeling of heterogeneous and anisotropic superconducting media
L Makong, A Kameni, P Masson, J Lambrechts, F Bouillault
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 52 (3), 1-4, 2015
Radio frequency attenuation by a rocket plume using diffraction theory and finite element modeling
É Dieudonné, A Kameni, L Pichon, D Monchaux
Acta Astronautica 158, 334-341, 2019
Evaluation of shielding effectiveness of composite wall with a time domain discontinuous Galerkin method
AK Ntichi, A Modave, M Boubekeur, V Preault, L Pichon, C Geuzaine
The European Physical Journal-Applied Physics 64 (2), 24508, 2013
Experimental analysis and modelling of coaxial transmission lines with soft shield defects
H Manesh, J Genoulaz, A Kameni, F Loete, L Pichon, O Picon
2015 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC …, 2015
H-formulation using the discontinuous Galerkin method for the 3-D modeling of superconductors
L Makong, A Kameni, L Queval, F Bouillault, P Masson
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 54 (3), 1-4, 2017
GPR imaging via multi-frequency linear sampling method
X Liu, M Serhir, A Kameni, L Pichon, M Lambert
10th International Symposium on Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF 2016), OA3-2, 2016
Influence of speed variation of a transverse magnetic field on a magnetization of HTS cylinder
AK Kameni, J Leveque, B Douine, S Mezani, D Netter
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 21 (4), 3434-3441, 2011
Multirate technique for explicit discontinuous Galerkin computations of time-domain Maxwell equations on complex geometries
A Kameni, B Seny, L Pichon
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 52 (3), 1-4, 2015
Reduced model to compute AC losses of twisted multifilamentary superconductors
A Kameni, L Makong, F Bouillault, PJ Masson
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 29 (7), 1-6, 2019
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Articles 1–20