Ethan R Buch
Ethan R Buch
Associate Scientist, Human Cortical Physiology and Neurorehabilitation Section, NINDS, NIH
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Noninvasive cortical stimulation enhances motor skill acquisition over multiple days through an effect on consolidation
J Reis, HM Schambra, LG Cohen, ER Buch, B Fritsch, E Zarahn, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (5), 1590-1595, 2009
Think to move: a neuromagnetic brain-computer interface (BCI) system for chronic stroke
E Buch, C Weber, LG Cohen, C Braun, MA Dimyan, T Ard, J Mellinger, ...
stroke 39 (3), 910-917, 2008
Noninvasive brain stimulation: from physiology to network dynamics and back
E Dayan, N Censor, ER Buch, M Sandrini, LG Cohen
Nature neuroscience 16 (7), 838-844, 2013
Effects of tDCS on motor learning and memory formation: a consensus and critical position paper
ER Buch, E Santarnecchi, A Antal, J Born, PA Celnik, J Classen, C Gerloff, ...
Clinical Neurophysiology 128 (4), 589-603, 2017
Cortical and subcortical interactions during action reprogramming and their related white matter pathways
FX Neubert, RB Mars, ER Buch, E Olivier, MFS Rushworth
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (30), 13240-13245, 2010
Rewiring the brain: potential role of the premotor cortex in motor control, learning, and recovery of function following brain injury
SS Kantak, JW Stinear, ER Buch, LG Cohen
Neurorehabilitation and neural repair 26 (3), 282-292, 2012
Visuomotor adaptation in normal aging
ER Buch, S Young, JL Contreras-Vidal
Learning & memory 10 (1), 55-63, 2003
Non-invasive brain stimulation in neurorehabilitation: local and distant effects for motor recovery
SL Liew, E Santarnecchi, ER Buch, LG Cohen
Frontiers in human neuroscience 8, 378, 2014
A network centered on ventral premotor cortex exerts both facilitatory and inhibitory control over primary motor cortex during action reprogramming
ER Buch, RB Mars, ED Boorman, MFS Rushworth
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (4), 1395-1401, 2010
Short-latency influence of medial frontal cortex on primary motor cortex during action selection under conflict
RB Mars, MC Klein, FX Neubert, E Olivier, ER Buch, ED Boorman, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (21), 6926-6931, 2009
Distributed and causal influence of frontal operculum in task control
T Higo, RB Mars, ED Boorman, ER Buch, MFS Rushworth
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (10), 4230-4235, 2011
Noninvasive associative plasticity induction in a corticocortical pathway of the human brain
ER Buch, VM Johnen, N Nelissen, J O'Shea, MFS Rushworth
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (48), 17669-17679, 2011
Parietofrontal integrity determines neural modulation associated with grasping imagery after stroke
ER Buch, A Modir Shanechi, AD Fourkas, C Weber, N Birbaumer, ...
Brain 135 (2), 596-614, 2012
Effects of Parkinson's disease on visuomotor adaptation
JL Contreras-Vidal, ER Buch
Experimental brain research 150, 25-32, 2003
Physiological regulation of thinking: brain–computer interface (BCI) research
N Birbaumer, C Weber, C Neuper, E Buch, K Haapen, L Cohen
Progress in brain research 159, 369-391, 2006
Consolidation of human skill linked to waking hippocampo-neocortical replay
ER Buch, L Claudino, R Quentin, M Bönstrup, LG Cohen
Cell reports 35 (10), 2021
Predicting motor improvement after stroke with clinical assessment and diffusion tensor imaging
ER Buch, S Rizk, P Nicolo, LG Cohen, A Schnider, AG Guggisberg
Neurology 86 (20), 1924-1925, 2016
Causal manipulation of functional connectivity in a specific neural pathway during behaviour and at rest
VM Johnen, FX Neubert, ER Buch, L Verhagen, JX O'Reilly, RB Mars, ...
Elife 4, e04585, 2015
Sensorimotor oscillatory phase–power interaction gates resting human corticospinal output
SJ Hussain, L Claudino, M Bönstrup, G Norato, G Cruciani, R Thompson, ...
Cerebral Cortex 29 (9), 3766-3777, 2019
Differential brain mechanisms of selection and maintenance of information during working memory
R Quentin, JR King, E Sallard, N Fishman, R Thompson, ER Buch, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 39 (19), 3728-3740, 2019
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Articles 1–20