Hanifah Nuryani Lioe
Hanifah Nuryani Lioe
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Umami taste enhancement of MSG/NaCl mixtures by Subthreshold L‐α‐aromatic amino acids
HN Lioe, A Apriyantono, K Takara, K Wada, M Yasuda
Journal of Food Science 70 (7), s401-s405, 2005
Soy sauce and its umami taste: a link from the past to current situation
HN Lioe, J Selamat, M Yasuda
Journal of Food Science 75 (3), R71-R76, 2010
Structural changes to starch after acid hydrolysis, debranching, autoclaving‐cooling cycles, and heat moisture treatment (HMT): A review
M Pratiwi, DN Faridah, HN Lioe
Starch‐Stärke 70 (1-2), 1700028, 2018
Evaluation of peptide contribution to the intense umami taste of Japanese soy sauces
HN Lioe, K Takara, M Yasuda
Journal of Food Science 71 (3), S277-S283, 2006
Chemical and sensory characteristics of low molecular weight fractions obtained from three types of Japanese soy sauce (shoyu)–Koikuchi, tamari and shiro shoyu
HN Lioe, K Wada, T Aoki, M Yasuda
Food Chemistry 100 (4), 1669-1677, 2007
Low molecular weight compounds responsible for savory taste of Indonesian soy sauce
HN Lioe, A Apriyantono, K Takara, K Wada, H Naoki, M Yasuda
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 52 (19), 5950-5956, 2004
Proteomic study of bioactive peptides from tempe
B Tamam, D Syah, MT Suhartono, WA Kusuma, S Tachibana, HN Lioe
Journal of bioscience and bioengineering 128 (2), 241-248, 2019
The effect of temperature and relative humidity for Aspergillus flavus BIO 2237 growth and aflatoxin production on soybeans.
C Pratiwi, WP Rahayu, HN Lioe, D Herawati, W Broto, S Ambarwati
International Food Research Journal 22 (1), 2015
Nitrite residue and malonaldehyde reduction in dendeng—Indonesian dried meat—influenced by spices, curing methods and precooking preparation
T Suryati, M Astawan, HN Lioe, T Wresdiyati, S Usmiati
Meat Science 96 (3), 1403-1408, 2014
Umami compounds present in low molecular umami fractions of asam sunti–A fermented fruit of Averrhoa bilimbi L.
A Istiqamah, HN Lioe, DR Adawiyah
Food chemistry 270, 338-343, 2019
Aflatoxin in raw peanut kernels marketed in Malaysia
S Arzandeh, J Selamat, H Lioe
Journal of Food and Drug Analysis 18 (1), 5, 2010
Taste of water-soluble extracts obtained from over-fermented tempe
R Utami, CH Wijaya, HN Lioe
International Journal of Food Properties 19 (9), 2063-2073, 2016
Umami fractions obtained from water‐soluble extracts of red oncom and black oncom—Indonesian fermented soybean and peanut products
SN Andayani, HN Lioe, CH Wijaya, M Ogawa
Journal of Food Science 85 (3), 657-665, 2020
Taste and chemical characteristics of low molecular weight fractions from tofuyo–Japanese fermented soybean curd
HN Lioe, A Kinjo, S Yasuda, M Kuba-Miyara, S Tachibana, M Yasuda
Food Chemistry 252, 265-270, 2018
Aroma precursors and methylpyrazines in underfermented cocoa beans induced by endogenous carboxypeptidase
S Jinap, Y Ikrawan, J Bakar, N Saari, HN Lioe
Journal of food science 73 (7), H141-H147, 2008
Dietary exposure to heterocyclic amines in high-temperature cooked meat and fish in Malaysia
MHA Jahurul, S Jinap, SJ Ang, A Abdul-Hamid, P Hajeb, HN Lioe, ...
Food Additives and Contaminants 27 (8), 1060-1071, 2010
Isolation and characterization of the major natural dyestuff component of Brazilwood (Caesalpinia sappan L.)
HN Lioe, DR Adawiyah, R Anggraeni
International Food Research Journal 19 (2), 537, 2012
Hair mercury level of coastal communities in Malaysia: a linkage with fish consumption
P Hajeb, J Selamat, A Ismail, FA Bakar, J Bakar, HN Lioe
European Food Research and Technology 227, 1349-1355, 2008
Accumulation patterns of lipophilic organic contaminants in surface sediments and in economic important mussel and fish species from Jakarta Bay, Indonesia
L Dsikowitzky, I Nordhaus, N Andarwulan, HE Irianto, HN Lioe, F Ariyani, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 110 (2), 767-777, 2016
Chemical and Antioxidant Characteristics of Skin-Derived Collagen Obtained by Acid-Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Bigeye Tuna (Thunnus obesus)
L Devita, M Nurilmala, HN Lioe, MT Suhartono
Marine drugs 19 (4), 222, 2021
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Articles 1–20