Christian Ehret
Cited by
Cited by
Affect in literacy learning and teaching: Pedagogies, politics and coming to know
C Leander, KM, Ehret
Routledge, 2019
Embodied composition in real virtualities: Adolescents' literacy practices and felt experiences moving with digital, mobile devices in school
C Ehret, T Hollett
Research in the Teaching of English 48 (4), 428-452, 2014
The matter of new media making: An intra-action analysis of adolescents making a digital book trailer
C Ehret, T Hollett, R Jocius
Journal of Literacy Research 48 (3), 346-377, 2016
“Bean’s World”:(Mine) Crafting affective atmospheres of gameplay, learning, and care in a children’s hospital
T Hollett, C Ehret
New Media & Society 17 (11), 1849-1866, 2015
Moments of Teaching and Learning in a Children's Hospital: Affects, Textures, and Temporalities
C Ehret
Anthropology & Education Quarterly 49 (1), 53-71, 2018
The role of affect in adolescents’ online literacies: Participatory pressures in BookTube culture
C Ehret, J Boegel, R Manuel‐Nekouei
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 2018
Affective dimensions of participatory design research in informal learning environments: Placemaking, belonging, and correspondence
C Ehret, T Hollett
Cognition and Instruction 34 (3), 250-258, 2016
Propositions from affect theory for feeling literacy through the event
C Ehret
Theoretical models and processes of literacy, 563-581, 2018
(Re)placing school: Middle school students' countermobilities while composing with iPods
C Ehret, T Hollett
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 57 (2), 110-119, 2013
Literacy, affect, and uncontrollability
C Ehret, J Rowsell
Civic rhythms in an informal, media-rich learning program
T Hollett, C Ehret
Learning, Media and Technology 42 (4), 483-499, 2016
Algorithmic imaginings and critical digital literacy on #BookTok
B Low, C Ehret, A Hagh
New Media & Society, 14614448231206466, 2023
How speculative designs produce new potentials for education research in digital culture
C Ehret, L Čiklovan
Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 41 (5), 708-722, 2020
Immediations and rhythms of speculative design: Implications for value in design‐based research
C Ehret, L Ehret, B Low, L Čiklovan
British journal of educational technology 50 (4), 1603-1614, 2019
Readings and experiences of multimodality
KM Leander, S Aziz, S Botzakis, C Ehret, D Landry, J Rowsell
Literacy research: theory, method, and practice 66 (1), 95-116, 2017
Relational Methodologies for Mobile Literacies: Intra-action, Rhythm, and Atmosphere
T Hollett, C Ehret
The Case of the iPad: Mobile Literacies in Education, 227-244, 2017
Mapping place, affect, and futures in an adolescent’s new media making: Schizoanalytic cartographies
C Ehret
Literacy, Media, Technology: Past, Present and Future, 93-108, 2016
How young adult videogames materialize senses of self through ludonarrative affects: understanding identity and embodiment through sociomaterial analysis
C Ehret, E Mannard, JS Curwood
Learning, Media and Technology 47 (3), 341-354, 2022
Why a more human literacy studies must be posthuman: Encountering writing during and after the Holocaust
C Ehret, D D’Amico
Affect in literacy learning and teaching: Pedagogies, politics and coming to …, 2019
Refrains of Friendship in Young Children's Postdigital Play
K Pettersen, C Ehret
Journal of Literacy Research 56 (1), 27-50, 2024
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Articles 1–20