Articles with public access mandates - Ella GabitovLearn more
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Current issues related to motor sequence learning in humans
J Doyon, E Gabitov, S Vahdat, O Lungu, A Boutin
Current opinion in behavioral sciences 20, 89-97, 2018
Mandates: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering …
Consolidation alters motor sequence-specific distributed representations
B Pinsard, A Boutin, E Gabitov, O Lungu, H Benali, J Doyon
elife 8, e39324, 2019
Mandates: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Re-stepping into the same river: competition problem rather than a reconsolidation failure in an established motor skill
E Gabitov, A Boutin, B Pinsard, N Censor, SM Fogel, G Albouy, BR King, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 9406, 2017
Mandates: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Movement errors during skilled motor performance engage distinct prediction error mechanisms
E Gabitov, O Lungu, G Albouy, J Doyon
Communications biology 3 (1), 763, 2020
Mandates: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé
Weaker inter-hemispheric and local functional connectivity of the somatomotor cortex during a motor skill acquisition is associated with better learning
E Gabitov, O Lungu, G Albouy, J Doyon
Frontiers in Neurology 10, 1242, 2019
Mandates: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé
Temporal cluster-based organization of sleep spindles underlies motor memory consolidation
A Boutin, E Gabitov, B Pinsard, A Boré, J Carrier, J Doyon
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 291 (2014), 20231408, 2024
Mandates: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Preserved motor memory in Parkinson's disease
S Lahlou, E Gabitov, L Owen, D Shohamy, M Sharp
Neuropsychologia 167, 108161, 2022
Mandates: Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé, Canada First Research Excellence Fund
Susceptibility of consolidated procedural memory to interference is independent of its active task-based retrieval
E Gabitov, A Boutin, B Pinsard, N Censor, SM Fogel, G Albouy, BR King, ...
PloS one 14 (1), e0210876, 2019
Mandates: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé
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