Tony R Larson
Tony R Larson
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Acyl-lipid metabolism
Y Li-Beisson, B Shorrosh, F Beisson, MX Andersson, V Arondel, PD Bates, ...
The Arabidopsis book/American Society of Plant Biologists 11, e0161, 2013
CAMERA: an integrated strategy for compound spectra extraction and annotation of liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry data sets
C Kuhl, R Tautenhahn, C Bottcher, TR Larson, S Neumann
Analytical chemistry 84 (1), 283-289, 2012
The genetic map of Artemisia annua L. identifies loci affecting yield of the antimalarial drug artemisinin
IA Graham, K Besser, S Blumer, CA Branigan, T Czechowski, L Elias, ...
science 327 (5963), 328-331, 2010
Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid production and partitioning to triacylglycerols in four microalgae
T Tonon, D Harvey, TR Larson, IA Graham
Phytochemistry 61 (1), 15-24, 2002
A Papaver somniferum 10-gene cluster for synthesis of the anticancer alkaloid noscapine
T Winzer, V Gazda, Z He, F Kaminski, M Kern, TR Larson, Y Li, F Meade, ...
Science 336 (6089), 1704-1708, 2012
Toxicity of unsaturated fatty acids to the biohydrogenating ruminal bacterium, Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens
MRG Maia, LC Chaudhary, CS Bestwick, AJ Richardson, N McKain, ...
BMC microbiology 10, 1-10, 2010
Identification of the 2-hydroxyglutarate and isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenases as alternative electron donors linking lysine catabolism to the electron transport chain of …
WL Araujo, K Ishizaki, A Nunes-Nesi, TR Larson, T Tohge, I Krahnert, ...
The Plant Cell 22 (5), 1549-1563, 2010
Metabolic engineering of hydroxy fatty acid production in plants: RcDGAT2 drives dramatic increases in ricinoleate levels in seed oil
J Burgal, J Shockey, C Lu, J Dyer, T Larson, I Graham, J Browse
Plant biotechnology journal 6 (8), 819-831, 2008
Control of germination and lipid mobilization by COMATOSE, the Arabidopsis homologue of human ALDP
S Footitt, SP Slocombe, V Larner, S Kurup, Y Wu, T Larson, I Graham, ...
The EMBO Journal, 2002
Jasmonic acid levels are reduced in COMATOSE ATP-binding cassette transporter mutants. Implications for transport of jasmonate precursors into peroxisomes
FL Theodoulou, K Job, SP Slocombe, S Footitt, M Holdsworth, A Baker, ...
Plant Physiology 137 (3), 835-840, 2005
The Critical Role of Arabidopsis Electron-Transfer Flavoprotein:Ubiquinone Oxidoreductase during Dark-Induced Starvation
K Ishizaki, TR Larson, N Schauer, AR Fernie, IA Graham, CJ Leaver
The Plant Cell 17 (9), 2587-2600, 2005
12-Oxo-Phytodienoic Acid Accumulation during Seed Development Represses Seed Germination in Arabidopsis
A Dave, ML Hernández, Z He, VME Andriotis, FE Vaistij, TR Larson, ...
The Plant Cell 23 (2), 583-599, 2011
Technical advance: a novel technique for the sensitive quantification of acyl CoA esters from plant tissues
TR Larson, IA Graham
The Plant Journal 25 (1), 115-125, 2001
Requirement for 3‐ketoacyl‐CoA thiolase‐2 in peroxisome development, fatty acid β‐oxidation and breakdown of triacylglycerol in lipid bodies of Arabidopsis seedlings
V Germain, EL Rylott, TR Larson, SM Sherson, N Bechtold, JP Carde, ...
The Plant Journal 28 (1), 1-12, 2001
Reserve mobilization in the Arabidopsis endosperm fuels hypocotyl elongation in the dark, is independent of abscisic acid, and requires PHOSPHOENOLPYRUVATE CARBOXYKINASE1
S Penfield, EL Rylott, AD Gilday, S Graham, TR Larson, IA Graham
The Plant Cell 16 (10), 2705-2718, 2004
Sucrose rescues seedling establishment but not germination of Arabidopsis mutants disrupted in peroxisomal fatty acid catabolism
H Pinfield‐Wells, EL Rylott, AD Gilday, S Graham, K Job, TR Larson, ...
The Plant Journal 43 (6), 861-872, 2005
Perturbed cholesterol and vesicular trafficking associated with dengue blocking in Wolbachia-infected Aedes aegypti cells
V Geoghegan, K Stainton, SM Rainey, TH Ant, AA Dowle, T Larson, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 526, 2017
A cytosolic acyltransferase contributes to triacylglycerol synthesis in sucrose-rescued Arabidopsis seed oil catabolism mutants
ML Hernández, L Whitehead, Z He, V Gazda, A Gilday, E Kozhevnikova, ...
Plant Physiology 160 (1), 215-225, 2012
Morphinan biosynthesis in opium poppy requires a P450-oxidoreductase fusion protein
T Winzer, M Kern, AJ King, TR Larson, RI Teodor, SL Donninger, Y Li, ...
Science 349 (6245), 309-312, 2015
The mitochondrial electron transfer flavoprotein complex is essential for survival of Arabidopsis in extended darkness
K Ishizaki, N Schauer, TR Larson, IA Graham, AR Fernie, CJ Leaver
The Plant Journal 47 (5), 751-760, 2006
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Articles 1–20