Marius Bozga
Marius Bozga
Ingenieur de Recherche, CNRS-VERIMAG, Grenoble
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Modeling heterogeneous real-time components in BIP
A Basu, M Bozga, J Sifakis
Fourth IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal …, 2006
Kronos: A model-checking tool for real-time systems
M Bozga, C Daws, O Maler, A Olivero, S Tripakis, S Yovine
Computer Aided Verification: 10th International Conference, CAV'98 Vancouver …, 1998
Rigorous component-based system design using the BIP framework
A Basu, B Bensalem, M Bozga, J Combaz, M Jaber, TH Nguyen, J Sifakis
IEEE software 28 (3), 41-48, 2011
The IF toolset
M Bozga, S Graf, I Ober, I Ober, J Sifakis
Formal Methods for the Design of Real-Time Systems: International School on …, 2004
Compositional verification for component-based systems and application
S Bensalem, M Bozga, TH Nguyen, J Sifakis
IET software 4 (3), 181-193, 2010
IF-2.0: A validation environment for component-based real-time systems
M Bozga, S Graf, L Mounier
Computer Aided Verification: 14th International Conference, CAV 2002 …, 2002
Data-structures for the verification of timed automata
E Asarin, M Bozga, A Kerbrat, O Maler, A Pnueli, A Rasse
Hybrid and Real-Time Systems: International Workshop, HART'97 Grenoble …, 1997
D-finder: A tool for compositional deadlock detection and verification
S Bensalem, M Bozga, TH Nguyen, J Sifakis
Computer Aided Verification: 21st International Conference, CAV 2009 …, 2009
Programs with lists are counter automata
A Bouajjani, M Bozga, P Habermehl, R Iosif, P Moro, T Vojnar
International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, 517-531, 2006
Translating AADL into BIP-application to the verification of real-time systems
MY Chkouri, A Robert, M Bozga, J Sifakis
International conference on model driven engineering languages and systems, 5-19, 2008
Some progress in the symbolic verification of timed automata
M Bozga, O Maler, A Pnueli, S Yovine
Computer Aided Verification: 9th International Conference, CAV'97 Haifa …, 1997
Statistical abstraction and model-checking of large heterogeneous systems
A Basu, S Bensalem, M Bozga, B Delahaye, A Legay
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 14, 53-72, 2012
IF: An intermediate representation and validation environment for timed asynchronous systems
M Bozga, JC Fernandez, L Ghirvu, S Graf, JP Krimm, L Mounier
International Symposium on Formal Methods, 307-327, 1999
Incremental component-based construction and verification using invariants
S Bensalem, M Bozga, A Legay, TH Nguyen, J Sifakis, R Yan
Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design, 257-256, 2010
Fast acceleration of ultimately periodic relations
M Bozga, R Iosif, F Konečný
International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, 227-242, 2010
IF: An intermediate representation for SDL and its applications
M Bozga, JC Fernandez, L Ghirvu, S Graf, JP Krimm, L Mounier, J Sifakis
SDL'99, 423-440, 1999
Verification of timed automata via satisfiability checking
P Niebert, M Mahfoudh, E Asarin, M Bozga, O Maler, N Jain
Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems: 7th International …, 2002
A framework for automated distributed implementation of component-based models
B Bonakdarpour, M Bozga, M Jaber, J Quilbeuf, J Sifakis
Distributed Computing 25, 383-409, 2012
Efficient verification of timed automata using dense and discrete time semantics
M Bozga, O Maler, S Tripakis
Advanced Research Working Conference on Correct Hardware Design and …, 1999
Runtime verification of component-based systems
Y Falcone, M Jaber, TH Nguyen, M Bozga, S Bensalem
Software Engineering and Formal Methods: 9th International Conference, SEFM …, 2011
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Articles 1–20