Jeffrey S. Juris
Jeffrey S. Juris
Associate Professor of Anthropology, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Northeastern
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Cited by
Reflections on# Occupy Everywhere: Social media, public space, and emerging logics of aggregation
JS Juris
American ethnologist 39 (2), 259-279, 2012
Networking futures: The movements against corporate globalization
JS Juris
Duke University Press, 2008
The New Digital Media and Activist Networking within Anti-Corporate Globalization Movements
JS Juris
Globalization and Culture, Volume 1 (Manfred Steger, ed.), 2012
The new digital media and activist networking within anti–corporate globalization movements
JS Juris
Globalization and Culture, Volume I (Globalizing Communications) (Paul James …, 2005
The New Digital Media and Activist Networking within Anti-Corporate Globalization Movements
JS Juris
The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, 189-2008, 2005
Performing politics: Image, embodiment, and affective solidarity during anti-corporate globalization protests
JS Juris
Ethnography 9 (1), 61-97, 2008
Practicing militant ethnography with the movement for global resistance in Barcelona
JS Juris
Constituent Imagination: Militant Investigations//Collective Theorization …, 2007
Global Democracy and the World Social Forums
J Smith, M Karides, M Becker, D Brunelle, C Chase-Dunn, D Della Porta, ...
Paradigm Press, 2008
The Cultural Politics of Free Software and Technology within the Social Forum Process
JS Juris, G Caruso, S Couture, L Mosca
Insurgent Encounters: Transnational Activism, Ethnography, and the Political …, 2013
Networked social movements: Global movements for global justice
JS Juris
The network society: A cross-cultural perspective (Manuel Castells, ed …, 2004
Alter-activism: emerging cultures of participation among young global justice activists
JS Juris, GH Pleyers
Journal of youth studies 12 (1), 57-75, 2009
Violence performed and imagined: Militant action, the Black Bloc and the mass media in Genoa
JS Juris
Critique of anthropology 25 (4), 413-432, 2005
Global Citizenship and the 'New, New' Social Movements: Iberian Connections
C Feixa, I Pereira, JS Juris
European Youth Studies: Integrating Research, Policy and Practice (Lynne …, 2011
Negotiating Power and Difference within the 99%
JS Juris, M Ronayne, F Shokooh-Valle, R Wengronowitz
Social Movement Studies 11 (3-4), 434-440, 2012
Social Forums and their Margins: Networking Logics and the Cultural Politics of Autonomous Space
JS Juris
ephemera: theory & politics in organization 5 (2), 253-272, 2005
Social Forums and Their Margins: Networking Logics and the Cultural Politics of Autonomous Space
JS Juris
World Social Forum: Critical Explorations (Jai Sen and Peter Waterman, eds.), 2013
Spaces of intentionality: race, class, and horizontality at the United States Social Forum
JS Juris
Mobilization: An International Quarterly 13 (4), 353-372, 2008
Spaces of Intentionality: Race, Class, and Horizontality at the United States Social Forum
JS Juris
Insurgent Encounters: Transnational Activism, Ethnography, and the Political …, 2013
Embodying protest: Culture and performance within social movements
JS Juris
Conceptualizing culture in social movement research, 227-247, 2014
La globalización alternativa y los 'novísimos' movimientos sociales
JS Juris, I Pereira, C Feixa
Revista del Centro de Investigación, Universidad La Salle 10 (37), 23-39, 2012
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Articles 1–20