Leah Sprain
Cited by
Cited by
Pedagogy for sustainability science: Case-based approaches for interdisciplinary instruction
L Sprain, WM Timpson
Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture 6 (4), 532-550, 2012
Beyond problem solving: Reconceptualizing the work of public deliberation as deliberative inquiry
M Carcasson, L Sprain
Communication Theory 26 (1), 41-63, 2016
Paradoxes of public participation in climate change governance
L Sprain
The Good Society 25 (1), 62-80, 2016
Social movement to address climate change: Local steps for global action
D Endres, LM Sprain, TR Peterson
Cambria Press, 2009
Utilizing “on tap” experts in deliberative forums: Implications for design
L Sprain, M Carcasson, AJ Merolla
Journal of Applied Communication Research 42 (2), 150-167, 2014
Deliberative moments: Understanding deliberation as an interactional accomplishment
L Sprain, L Black
Western Journal of Communication 82 (3), 336-355, 2018
The ethnographer of communication at the table: Building cultural competence, designing strategic action
L Sprain, D Boromisza-Habashi
Journal of Applied Communication Research 41 (2), 181-187, 2013
Deliberative democracy and adult civic education
M Carcasson, L Sprain
New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education 2012 (135), 15-23, 2012
Citizens speaking as experts: expertise discourse in deliberative forums
L Sprain, L Reinig
Environmental Communication 12 (3), 357-369, 2018
Key aspects of the deliberative democracy movement
M Carcasson, L Sprain
Public Sector Digest, 1-5, 2010
Grouping processes in a public meeting from an ethnography of communication and cultural discourse analysis perspective
S Witteborn, L Sprain
International Journal of Public Participation 3, 14-35, 2010
Democratic engagement through the ethic of passionate impartiality.
L Sprain, M Carcasson
Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry 11 (4), 2013
The imperative of praxis-based environmental communication research: Suggestions from the step it up 2007 national research project
D Endres, L Sprain, TR Peterson
Environmental Communication 2 (2), 237-245, 2008
Meetings: A cultural perspective
L Sprain, D Boromisza-Habashi
Journal of Multicultural Discourses 7 (2), 179-189, 2012
Engaging and transforming global communication through cultural discourse analysis: A tribute to Donal Carbaugh
M Alvarez, D Boromisza-Habashi, CA Braithwaite, D Carbaugh, T Cerulli, ...
Rowman & Littlefield, 2018
A new perspective on stories in public deliberation: Analyzing small stories in discussions about immigration
L Sprain, JMF Hughes
Text & Talk 35 (4), 531-551, 2015
Research as a transdisciplinary networked process: A metaphor for difference-making research
L Sprain, D Endres, T Rai Petersen
Communication Monographs 77 (4), 441-444, 2010
Communicating openness in deliberation
L Sprain, S Ivancic
Communication Monographs 84 (2), 241-257, 2017
Thin Grey Lines: Confrontations With Risk on Colorado's Front Range.
R Soden, L Sprain, L Palen
CHI, 2042-2053, 2017
What does it mean to deliberate? An interpretative account of jurors’ expressed deliberative rules and premises
L Sprain, J Gastil
Communication Quarterly 61 (2), 151-171, 2013
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Articles 1–20