Pradeep Sen
Pradeep Sen
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Image Melding: Combining inconsistent images using patch-based synthesis.
S Darabi, E Shechtman, C Barnes, DB Goldman, P Sen
ACM Trans. Graph. 31 (4), 82, 2012
Robust patch-based HDR reconstruction of dynamic scenes.
P Sen, NK Kalantari, M Yaesoubi, S Darabi, DB Goldman, E Shechtman
ACM Trans. Graph. 31 (6), 203, 2012
Dual photography
P Sen, B Chen, G Garg, SR Marschner, M Horowitz, M Levoy, ...
ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Papers, 745-755, 2005
Kernel-predicting convolutional networks for denoising Monte Carlo renderings.
S Bako, T Vogels, B McWilliams, M Meyer, J Novák, A Harvill, P Sen, ...
ACM Trans. Graph. 36 (4), 97:1-97:14, 2017
Pieapp: Perceptual image-error assessment through pairwise preference
E Prashnani, H Cai, Y Mostofi, P Sen
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2018
A versatile HDR video production system
MD Tocci, C Kiser, N Tocci, P Sen
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 30 (4), 1-10, 2011
Recent advances in adaptive sampling and reconstruction for Monte Carlo rendering
M Zwicker, W Jarosz, J Lehtinen, B Moon, R Ramamoorthi, F Rousselle, ...
Computer graphics forum 34 (2), 667-681, 2015
A Machine Learning Approach for Filtering Monte Carlo Noise
NK Kalantari, S Bako, P Sen
ACM Transactions on Graphics 34 (4), 2015
Shadow silhouette maps
P Sen, M Cammarano, P Hanrahan
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 22 (3), 521-526, 2003
On filtering the noise from the random parameters in Monte Carlo rendering.
P Sen, S Darabi
ACM Trans. Graph. 31 (3), 18:1-18:15, 2012
Localization-aware active learning for object detection
CC Kao, TY Lee, P Sen, MY Liu
Computer Vision–ACCV 2018: 14th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Perth …, 2019
Patch-based high dynamic range video.
NK Kalantari, E Shechtman, C Barnes, S Darabi, DB Goldman, P Sen
ACM Trans. Graph. 32 (6), 202:1-202:8, 2013
Compressive dual photography
P Sen, S Darabi
Computer Graphics Forum 28 (2), 609-618, 2009
Compressive Cooperative Sensing and Mapping in Mobile Networks
Y Mostofi, P Sen
Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC), 2009
EVSAC: accelerating hypotheses generation by modeling matching scores with extreme value theory
V Fragoso, P Sen, S Rodriguez, M Turk
Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision, 2472-2479, 2013
Bi3d: Stereo depth estimation via binary classifications
A Badki, A Troccoli, K Kim, J Kautz, P Sen, O Gallo
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2020
Silhouette maps for improved texture magnification
P Sen
Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH/EUROGRAPHICS conference on Graphics hardware …, 2004
Dynamic infrared imaging for skin cancer screening
SE Godoy, DA Ramirez, SA Myers, G von Winckel, S Krishna, M Berwick, ...
Infrared Physics & Technology 70, 147-152, 2015
Removing the noise in Monte Carlo rendering with general image denoising algorithms
NK Kalantari, P Sen
Computer Graphics Forum 32 (2pt1), 93-102, 2013
Using machine learning to filter monte carlo noise from images
P Sen, NK Kalantari, S Bako
US Patent App. 15/144,613, 2016
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Articles 1–20