Michael C. Rodriguez
Michael C. Rodriguez
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A review of multiple-choice item-writing guidelines for classroom assessment
TM Haladyna, SM Downing, MC Rodriguez
Applied measurement in education 15 (3), 309-333, 2002
Developing and validating test items
TM Haladyna, MC Rodriguez
Routledge, 2013
Reading growth in high-poverty classrooms: The influence of teacher practices that encourage cognitive engagement in literacy learning
BM Taylor, PD Pearson, DS Peterson, MC Rodriguez
The Elementary School Journal 104 (1), 3-28, 2003
Three options are optimal for multiple‐choice items: A meta‐analysis of 80 years of research
MC Rodriguez
Educational measurement: issues and practice 24 (2), 3-13, 2005
Policy, Practice, and Readiness to Teach Primary and Secondary Mathematics in 17 Countries: Findings from the IEA Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics (TEDS-MM).
MT Tatto, R Peck, J Schwille, K Bankov, SL Senk, M Rodriguez, ...
International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement, 2012
The CIERA school change framework: An evidence‐based approach to professional development and school reading improvement
BM Taylor, PD Pearson, DS Peterson, MC Rodriguez
Reading research quarterly 40 (1), 40-69, 2005
Looking inside classrooms: Reflecting on the" how" as well as the" what" in effective reading instruction
BM Taylor, DS Peterson, PD Pearson, MC Rodriguez
The reading teacher 56 (3), 270-279, 2002
The role of classroom assessment in student performance on TIMSS
MC Rodriguez
Applied measurement in education 17 (1), 1-24, 2004
Meta-analysis of coefficient alpha.
MC Rodriguez, Y Maeda
Psychological methods 11 (3), 306, 2006
Assessing relational and physical aggression among preschool children: Intermethod agreement
MA McEvoy, TL Estrem, MC Rodriguez, ML Olson
Topics in early childhood special education 23 (2), 51-61, 2003
Construct equivalence of multiple‐choice and constructed‐response items: A random effects synthesis of correlations
MC Rodriguez
Journal of Educational Measurement 40 (2), 163-184, 2003
Self‐injurious behavior and the efficacy of naltrexone treatment: A quantitative synthesis
FJ Symons, A Thompson, MC Rodriguez
Mental retardation and developmental disabilities research reviews 10 (3 …, 2004
Students’ perceptions of online-learning quality given comfort, motivation, satisfaction, and experience
MC Rodriguez, A Ooms, M Montañez
Journal of interactive online learning 7 (2), 105-125, 2008
Community involvement in dengue vector control: cluster randomised trial
V Vanlerberghe, ME Toledo, M Rodriguez, D Gomez, A Baly, JR Benitez, ...
Bmj 338, 2009
A review of Latino youth development research and a call for an asset orientation
MC Rodriguez, D Morrobel
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 26 (2), 107-127, 2004
Policy, practice, and readiness to teach primary and secondary mathematics in 17 countries
MT Tatto, J Schwille, S Senk, L Ingvarson, G Rowley, R Peck, K Bankov, ...
Findings from the IEA teacher education and development study in mathematics …, 2012
Impact of small-group tutoring interventions on the mathematical problem solving and achievement of third-grade students with mathematics difficulties
AK Jitendra, M Rodriguez, R Kanive, JP Huang, C Church, KA Corroy, ...
Learning disability quarterly 36 (1), 21-35, 2013
Improving students’ proportional thinking using schema-based instruction
AK Jitendra, JR Star, M Rodriguez, M Lindell, F Someki
Learning and Instruction 21 (6), 731-745, 2011
A randomized controlled trial of the impact of schema-based instruction on mathematical outcomes for third-grade students with mathematics difficulties
AK Jitendra, DN Dupuis, MC Rodriguez, AF Zaslofsky, S Slater, ...
The Elementary School Journal 114 (2), 252-276, 2013
Exploring the student engagement instrument and career perceptions with college students
T Grier-Reed, J Appleton, M Rodriguez, Z Ganuza, AL Reschly
Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology 2 (2), 85, 2012
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Articles 1–20