Ákos Utasi
Ákos Utasi
Continental AG
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A 3-D marked point process model for multi-view people detection
A Utasi, C Benedek
CVPR 2011, 3385-3392, 2011
A Bayesian approach on people localization in multicamera systems
A Utasi, C Benedek
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 23 (1), 105-115, 2012
Multi-view people surveillance using 3D information
D Baltieri, R Vezzani, R Cucchiara, A Utasi, C Benedek, T Szirányi
2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCV …, 2011
A multi-view annotation tool for people detection evaluation
Á Utasi, C Benedek
Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on visual interfaces for …, 2012
Detection of unusual optical flow patterns by multilevel hidden Markov models
Á Utasi, L Czúni
Optical Engineering 49 (1), 017201-017201-11, 2010
Reducing the foreground aperture problem in mixture of Gaussians based motion detection
A Utasi, L Czúni
2007 14th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing …, 2007
Data processing methods for predictions of media content performance
G Szirtes, J Orozco, I Petrás, D Szolgay, Á Utasi, J Cohn
US Patent 10,540,678, 2020
Anomaly detection with low-level processes in videos
Á Utasi, L Czúni
International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications 2, 678-681, 2008
Flying target detection and recognition by feature fusion
L Kovács, A Kovács, Á Utasi, T Szirányi
Optical Engineering 51 (11), 117002-117002, 2012
Multi-camera people localization and height estimation using multiple birth-and-death dynamics
A Utasi, C Benedek
Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 74-83, 2010
Intelligent multi sensor fusion system for advanced situation awareness in urban environments
G Hummel, M Russ, P Stütz, J Soldatos, L Rossi, T Knape, Á Utasi, ...
Future Security: 7th Security Research Conference, Future Security 2012 …, 2012
HMM-based unusual motion detection without tracking
A Utasi, L Czúni
2008 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1-4, 2008
Statistical filters for crowd image analysis
Á Utasi, Á Kiss, T Szirányi
Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance workshop at CVPR, 95-100, 2009
Facing reality: An industrial view on large scale use of facial expression analysis
G Szirtes, D Szolgay, Á Utasi, D Takács, I Petrás, G Fodor
Proceedings of the 2013 on Emotion recognition in the wild challenge and …, 2013
Shape-and-motion-fused multiple flying target recognition and tracking
L Kovács, Á Utasi
Automatic Target Recognition XX; Acquisition, Tracking, Pointing, and Laser …, 2010
Visret–a content based annotation, retrieval and visualization toolchain
L Kovács, Á Utasi, T Szirányi
Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems: 11th International …, 2009
Behavior and event detection for annotation and surveillance
Z Szlávik, L Kovács, L Havasi, C Benedek, I Petrás, Á Utasi, A Licsár, ...
2008 International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, 117-124, 2008
Behavioral cues help predict impact of advertising on future sales
G Szirtes, J Orozco, I Petrás, D Szolgay, Á Utasi, JF Cohn
Image and Vision Computing 65, 49-57, 2017
Weighted conditional mutual information based boosting for classification of imbalanced datasets
Á Utasi
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition …, 2012
Recognizing human actions by using spatio-temporal motion descriptors
Á Utasi, A Kovács
International Conference on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems …, 2010
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Articles 1–20