Lenwood S. Heath
Lenwood S. Heath
Professor of Computer Science, Virginia Tech
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Cited by
Role of superoxide dismutases (SODs) in controlling oxidative stress in plants
RG Alscher, N Erturk, LS Heath
Journal of experimental botany 53 (372), 1331-1341, 2002
H++: a server for estimating p Ka s and adding missing hydrogens to macromolecules
JC Gordon, JB Myers, T Folta, V Shoja, LS Heath, A Onufriev
Nucleic acids research 33 (suppl_2), W368-W371, 2005
DeepARG: a deep learning approach for predicting antibiotic resistance genes from metagenomic data
G Arango-Argoty, E Garner, A Pruden, LS Heath, P Vikesland, L Zhang
Microbiome 6, 1-15, 2018
Users, user interfaces, and objects: Envision, a digital library
EA Fox, D Hix, LT Nowell, DJ Brueni, WC Wake, LS Heath, D Rao
Journal of the American Society for Information Science 44 (8), 480-491, 1993
Visualizing search results: some alternatives to query-document similarity
LT Nowell, RK France, D Hix, LS Heath, EA Fox
Proceedings of the 19th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 1996
Laying out graphs using queues
LS Heath, AL Rosenberg
SIAM Journal on Computing 21 (5), 927-958, 1992
The PMU placement problem
DJ Brueni, LS Heath
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 19 (3), 744-761, 2005
Photosynthetic acclimation is reflected in specific patterns of gene expression in drought-stressed loblolly pine
JI Watkinson, AA Sioson, C Vasquez-Robinet, M Shukla, D Kumar, M Ellis, ...
Plant Physiology 133 (4), 1702-1716, 2003
Practical minimal perfect hash functions for large databases
EA Fox, LS Heath, QF Chen, AM Daoud
Communications of the ACM 35 (1), 105-121, 1992
Comparing queues and stacks as machines for laying out graphs
LS Heath, FT Leighton, AL Rosenberg
SIAM journal on discrete mathematics 5 (3), 398-412, 1992
Stack and Queue Layouts of Directed Acyclic Graphs: Part I
LS Heath, SV Pemmaraju, A Trenk
SIAM Journal on Computing 28, 1510-1539, 1999
MetaCompare: a computational pipeline for prioritizing environmental resistome risk
M Oh, A Pruden, C Chen, LS Heath, K Xia, L Zhang
FEMS microbiology ecology 94 (7), fiy079, 2018
Effect of antibiotic use and composting on antibiotic resistance gene abundance and resistome risks of soils receiving manure-derived amendments
C Chen, CA Pankow, M Oh, LS Heath, L Zhang, P Du, K Xia, A Pruden
Environment international 128, 233-243, 2019
Order Preserving Minimal Perfect Hash Functions and Information Retrieval
EA Fox, QF Chen, AM Daoud, LS Heath
Proceedings of the 13th Annual International Conference on Research and …, 1990
DeNovo: virus-host sequence-based protein–protein interaction prediction
FE Eid, M ElHefnawi, LS Heath
Bioinformatics 32 (8), 1144-1150, 2016
Next generation sequencing approaches to evaluate water and wastewater quality
E Garner, BC Davis, E Milligan, MF Blair, I Keenum, A Maile-Moskowitz, ...
Water Research 194, 116907, 2021
Graph separators, with applications
AL Rosenberg, LS Heath
Springer Science & Business Media, 2005
Crowdsourced assessment of common genetic contribution to predicting anti-TNF treatment response in rheumatoid arthritis
SK Sieberts, F Zhu, J García-García, E Stahl, A Pratap, G Pandey, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 12460, 2016
Envision: A user-centered database of computer science literature
LS Heath, D Hix, LT Nowell, WC Wake, GA Averboch, E Labow, SA Guyer, ...
Communications of the ACM 38 (4), 52-53, 1995
NanoARG: a web service for detecting and contextualizing antimicrobial resistance genes from nanopore-derived metagenomes
GA Arango-Argoty, D Dai, A Pruden, P Vikesland, LS Heath, L Zhang
Microbiome 7, 1-18, 2019
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Articles 1–20